SAP Message /ISDFPS/UPS_ASSET026 - Maintenance plan & contains different or no technical objs -> long text

A prerequisite for the distribution of a maintenance plan is that itrefers to exactly one technical object (equipment, functionallocations).
However, maintenance items that contain no or different technicalobjects are assigned to the maintenance plan entered.
Maintenance items/maintenance plans are assigned to a central ordecentralized system on the basis of the technical objects contained inthe maintenance items.
If a maintenance item does not contain a technical object, thisassignment cannot be made. If different technical objects are assignedto the maintenance items, it cannot be ensured that all these objectsbelong to the same system.

System Response
This entry is not permitted in a UPS distribution packet.

Change the maintenance plan in such a way that the same technical object(equipment, functional locations) is assigned to all of the maintenanceitems contained in the maintenance plan. You may need to split themaintenance plan into several maintenance plans.