SAP Message /ISDFPS/TRANS_IT1957005 - &1 infotype 1957: no relatshp exists f. assgd op./ex. &2, contingent &3

The force element specified was assigned to a contingent in an operationor exercise in an infotype 1957 record. However, no correspondingoperational/exercise relationship to which the record data could beconverted could be found in infotype 1985.
The record is therefore inconsistent.

System Response
This inconsistency existed before the upgrade was performed. It does nothave any impact on the conversion run, nor did any additionalinconsistencies arise as a result of the conversion run.
Application errors cannot occur when you work with the data, since themissing dataset relationship remains consistent.

Check the relevant operational/exercise structure to establish whetherit is still complete. Create any missing relationships again.