SAP Message /ISDFPS/TRANS_IT1957003 - &1 infotype 1957: assigned op./exercise &2, contingent &3 does not exist

The force element specified was assigned to an operation contingent orexercise contingent in infotype 1957. Either this operational orexercise force element does not exist (any more) or it does not have arecord in infotype 1956 that describes the contingent specified.
The infotype 1957 record specified is therefore inconsistent.

System Response
This inconsistency existed before the upgrade was performed. It does nothave any impact on the conversion run, nor did any additionalinconsistencies arise as a result of the conversion run.
However, application errors may occur when you work with the data, sincethe program logic requires consistent records.

In general, the inconsistent operational/exercise structure should nolonger be edited or used. As an alternative, a new, consistent structurecan be created as a copy of the current structure.
If the existing structure must be used further, the contingent recordsfor the operation/exercise missing from HRT1956 can be added directly tothe database. However, this can result in further inconsistencies and istherefore not recommended by SAP.