SAP Message /BDL/BDL3089 - A periodic EarlyWatch Alert already exists (see longtext)

You can only schedule one periodic EarlyWatch Alert using the ServiceData Control Center. (These EarlyWatch Alerts have a Z as the fourthcharacter of the session number.)
The following EarlyWatch Alert already exists: &V1&, task id &V2&
The Service Data Control Center only allows one periodic EarlyWatchAlert to be created with a minimum period of seven days. This is toprevent EarlyWatch Alert data from being sent to the SAP Service Systemmore than once a week. As the collected EarlyWatch Alert data isaggregated by data collector jobs on a weekly basis, creating more thanone session per week would not provide any additional information forthe analysis report.
If you need to change the period of the periodic EarlyWatch Alert inthe Service Data Control Center, perform the following steps:
Delete the existing periodic EarlyWatch Alert session.
In the 'To do' view, select the session, then choose 'Delete'.
Change the period of the EarlyWatch Alert.
Choose Goto -> Settings -> Task-specific.
A hierarchy of task-specific settings is displayed.
Choose Task-specific settings -> Session Data Collection -> Datarequest -> Settings.
Change the period in field 'Repeat every'. (in 'Periodic sessions' ->'Scheduling')
Create a new 'Request session data' Task for the EarlyWatch Alert.
Choose 'Create Task'-> 'Request session data'.
A dialog box is displayed.
Select 'Periodic' and 'EarlyWatch Alert'.