This function module is only used up to Version 2.1A. From Version 4.5.1, function module VKKB_SAMPLE_V453> This insurance-specific function module is called up for event V450, aslong as you have not defined installation-specific function modules. The following is a description of the special functions and features ofthis function module. The function module is used to select open items for an insurance-specific billing document. This is done as follows:
- Selects all items for the Contract account- business partner
relationship> transferred.
- Reduces the selected quantity by the items whose due dates are not
in the selection area> for due dates.
- Reduces the selected quantity by the items whose contract
references are not in the selection area>.
- Reduces the selected quantity by cleared items>, if the base
billing type excludes cleared items.
- Reduces the selected quantity by static items>, if the base
billing type excludes static items.
- Reduces the selected quantity by deferred items>, if the base
billing type excludes deferred items.
- Reduces the selected quantity by items that are after the
insurance- specific main due date>, if an insurance-specific main duedate is transferred to the modules.
- Reduces the selected quantity by items that are quotes>.
- Reduces the selected quantity by items entered using direct
debit> if the base billing type excludes items from direct debits.
- Reduces the selected quantity by items already billed>, if the
base billing type defines this.
- Reduces the selected quantity by items from billing blocks >.
The modules returns the result of this selection and reductions intable T_FKKCL>.