SAP Function TR_INSERT_NEW_COMM_WITH_NAME - Create new request (without automatic assignment of number)

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text
IV_CLIENT E070C-CLIENT C 3 SY-MANDT X Source client of request
IV_KURZTEXT E07T-AS4TEXT C 60 SPACE X Short text of request
IV_TARSYSTEM E070-TARSYSTEM C 10 X Target system for request
IV_TRFUNCTION E070-TRFUNCTION C 1 Type of request: "F", "D", "P"
IV_TRKORR E070-TRKORR C 20 Name of request

Parameter Reference Type Length Text
EV_E070 E070 u 82 Request header (E070)
EV_E070C E070C u 28 Request header (E070C)
EV_E07T E07T u 81 Request header (E07T)

Exception Text
DB_ACCESS_ERROR Database access error
ENQUEUE_FAILED Error when locking (SM12)
INVALID_INPUT Invalid entry
NO_AUTHORIZATION No authorization
SYSTEM_ERROR System error

This function module creates a new request. The name of the request isnot created automatically, instead it is given by the user.
The parameter IV_TRKORR is used for the name of the request, and theparameter IV_KURZTEXT is used for its short text.
The import parameter IV_TRFUNCTION is used for the request type. Thepossible request types are:

  • "F" object list

  • "P" object list for upgrade

  • "D" object list for preliminary correction

  • The following rule applies to object lists (type "F"):
    The name can have a maximum of 10 characters.
    Characters 1- 3 <> "SAP"
    Character 4 <> "K"
    Characters 4-10 not just numerals
    Only SAP can create 10-character object lists for upgrades andpreliminary corrections. Stick to the following convention for objectlists with more than 10 characters:
    Characters 1- 4: "SAPK"
    Characters 11-12: "IN"
    Characters 3-20: valid namespace