Parameter | Reference | Type | Length | Default | Optional | Text |
IV_DEVCLASS | E070M-DEVCLASS | C | 30 | SPACE | X | Package (type E only) |
IV_SIMULATION | TRPARI-W_SIMULAT | C | 1 | SPACE | X | X - in simulation mode (no update) |
IV_TARDEVCL | E070M-TARDEVCL | C | 30 | SPACE | X | Target package of the request (type O only) |
IV_TARLAYER | E070M-TARLAYER | C | 4 | SPACE | X | Target transport layer of the request (type E only) |
IV_TARSYSTEM | E070-TARSYSTEM | C | 10 | SPACE | X | Target system for request |
WI_CATEGORY | E070-KORRDEV | C | 4 | SPACE | X | Request category ('CUST', 'SYST') |
WI_CLIENT | E070C-CLIENT | C | 3 | SPACE | X | Export client of request/task |
WI_KURZTEXT | E07T-AS4TEXT | C | 60 | Short text for task/request | ||
WI_PROTECT | TRPARI-S_LOCKFLAG | C | 1 | SPACE | X | Request is created with protection |
WI_STRKORR | E070-STRKORR | C | 20 | SPACE | X | Corresponding request (for tasks only) |
WI_TARGET_CLIENT | E070C-TARCLIENT | C | 3 | SPACE | X | Do not use |
WI_TRFUNCTION | E070-TRFUNCTION | C | 1 | Request type ('K', 'T', 'C',...) |
Parameter | Reference | Type | Length | Text |
ES_E070M | E070M | u | 84 | Output string for E070M |
WE_E070 | E070 | u | 82 | Output string for E070 |
WE_E070C | E070C | u | 28 | Output string for E070C |
WE_E07T | E07T | u | 81 | Output string for E07T |
WE_TRKORR | E070-TRKORR | C | 20 | Task number/request number |
Exception | Text |
CLIENT_RANGE_FULL | Customer request number range full (sysK999999) |
E070C_INSERT_ERROR | Database error when inserting a new request/task |
E070L_INSERT_ERROR | Database error when inserting a new request/task |
E070L_UPDATE_ERROR | Database error when inserting a new request/task |
E070M_INSERT_ERROR | Database error when inserting a new request/task |
E070_INSERT_ERROR | Database error when inserting a new request/task |
E07T_INSERT_ERROR | Database error when inserting a new request/task |
FILE_ACCESS_ERROR | Error when accessing file |
INTERNAL_ERROR | Internal error |
INVALID_DEVCLASS | Invalid package |
INVALID_STATUS | Request/task not in status 'DOCU' |
INVALID_TARGETSYSTEM | Invalid target system |
INVALID_TARGET_DEVCLASS | Invalid target package |
INVALID_TARGET_LAYER | Invalid target transport layer |
NOT_AN_ORDER | Input parameter request is not a request |
NO_AUTHORIZATION | No authorization to execute function |
NO_SYSTEMNAME | System name cannot be determined or invalid length |
NO_SYSTEMTYPE | System type cannot be determined |
ORDER_LOCK_FAILED | Lock on request rejected |
ORDER_NOT_FOUND | Request/task does not exist |
SAP_RANGE_FULL | SAP request number range full (sysK899999) |
UNALLOWED_TRFUNCTION | Unknown request type/task type (-> iRDDKORRI) |
UNALLOWED_USER | Invalid user name (contains '*') |
WRONG_CATEGORY | Different category (object request/task) |
WRONG_CLIENT | Different clients (object request/task) |
INCLUDE FUNC_STRW_TR This function creates a new request in the Transport Organizer.Depending on the value of the WI_TRFUNCTION parameter, one of thefollowing request types is created:
The parameter WI_KURZTEXT supplies the task/request with a short text. The parameter WI_CATEGORY assigns a request category to therequest/task: The parameter WI_CLIENT assigns the request/task to a client. The parameter WI_STRKORR can be entered for tasks of requests that areto be linked. If the parameter IV_PROTECT is set, the request is created with thestatus "protected". The number assignment is administered by the system (automatic serialnumber assignment). The number has the format <3-character system name>Knnnnnn. At SAP, thefinal 6-digit number lies in the number range 000000 - 899999. At thecustomer, it lies in the range between 900000 - 999999. This function does not create object lists for upgrades or SupportPackages. |