SAP Function TR_CHECK_TYPE - Determine whether key can be locked, generate TADIR and TLOCK

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text
IV_TRANSLATE_OBJNAME TRBOOLEAN C 1 SPACE X ' ': Without, 'X': With conversion of the object name into upper case
WI_E071 E071 u 180 Input key

Parameter Reference Type Length Text
EV_CURR_SETTING OBJH-CURSETTING C 1 X - object belongs to current settings
EV_INVALID_LANGUAGE_FIELD TRPARI-S_CHECKED C 1 'X': Language field filled incorrectly
EV_INVALID_PREFIX_SYNTAX TRPARI-S_CHECKED C 1 Prefix of the object name is incorrect
EV_LANGTYP TRPARI-LANGTYP C 1 Language dependency of object
EV_LANGTYPA TRPARI-LANGTYPA C 1 Type of language dependency of object
EV_LOGO_OBJ TRPARI-S_EXISTS C 1 X - object is a TLOGO object
EV_NAME_TOO_LONG_FOR_OLD TRPARI-S_CHECKED C 1 Object name is too long (according to rules prior to 4.0)
EV_NAME_WITH_NONSTANDARD_CHARS TRPARI-S_CHECKED C 1 Object name contains invalid characters
EV_NO_OBJECT_NAME TRPARI-S_CHECKED C 1 X - no object name transferred
EV_OBJLEN TLOCK-LEN I 4 Maximum name length for object type
EV_PREFIX_NOT_ALLOWED TRPARI-S_CHECKED C 1 Object name prefix not valid for object type
PE_NAME_TOO_LONG TRPARI-S_CHECKED C 1 Object name too long
PE_RESULT TRPARI-S_CHECKED C 1 Check result ('type class')
WE_CATEGORY E070-KORRDEV C 4 Request category ('CUST', 'CUSY', 'SYST')
WE_CLI_DEP TRPARI-W_CLI_DEP C 1 X - object client-dependent
WE_COMPLETE_ONLY TRPARI-W_COMPLETE C 1 X - only complete object can be transported -> R3TR
WE_E071 E071 u 180 Output string E071
WE_LOCK_KEY TLOCK_INT u 252 Long-term lock key
WE_TABLE_CONTFLAG DD02L-CONTFLAG C 1 Table delivery class
WE_TABLE_TYP DD02L-TABCLASS C 8 Table type (inttab, pooled, cluster, transp. , view...)
WE_TADIR TADIR u 232 Object directory key created

The function module TR_CHECK_TYPE can also be called outside of theChange and Transport System since the database is not updated.
The function analyses the class type of an E071 entry

  • syntactic correctness

  • transportability

  • existence of a corresponding TADIR entry

  • (with corresponding key entry)
    • lockability ('request lock')

    • (with corresponding lock key entry)
      The analysis covers all object types defined in the Change andTransport System. The parameter PE_RESULT then assigns one of thefollowing class types:
      PE_RESULT syntax transport TADIR TLOCK
      SPACE - - - -
      S X - - -
      R X X - -
      T X X X -
      L X X X X
      P system object or illegal name selection
      The following is displayed independently of the type class:
      • Client-dependency in parameter WE_CLI_DEP ("X"/" ")

      • Object category in parameter WE_CATEGORY

      • "SYST" = Repository object
        "CUST" = client-dependent Customizing object
        "CUSY" = client-independent Customizing Object
        "APPL" = application object
        • Language-dependency of the object in parameter EV_LANGTYP

        • "I" = object with no significance for language
          "F" = object without language-dependent components
          "M" = object partly language-dependent
          "L" = object consists only of language-dependent components
          • Degree of object language dependency in the parameter EV_LANGTYPA

          • "M" = purely language-dependent object in master language
            "E" = purely language-dependent object in first level language
            "L" = purely language-dependent object in second level language
            • A flag indicating whether only entire object can be transported is
            • displayed in the parameter WE_COMPLETE_ONLY ("X"/" ")
              • A flag indicating whether the object (in the productive client) belongs
              • to current settings is displayed in the EV_CURR_SETTING ("X"/" ")parameter
                The following is displayed dependent on the type class:
                • Key of the object directory entry in parameter WE_TADIR

                • Structure of the request lock in parameter WE_LOCK_KEY

                • Special cases of syntax errors in the object name:
                  • The parameter PE_NAME_TOO_LONG means: the object type is known, but the
                  • object name exceeds the maximum length permissible.
                    • EV_NAME_TOO_LONG_FOR_OLD corresponds to PE_NAME_TOO_LONG, however the
                    • pre-4.0 rules (length of object names) are used for the check.
                      • The parameter EV_NO_OBJECT_NAME indicates that the field
                      • WI_E071-obj_name is empty or only consists of a comment.
                        • The parameter EV_R3TRTEXT_SYNTAXERROR indicates that an R3TR TEXT
                        • object has violated the rules for the formal structure of R3TR TEXTobjects.
                          The following is displayed for table objects (table contents or viewcontents):
                          • Table type

                          • "POOL" = pooled table
                            "CLUSTER" = cluster table
                            "TRANSP" = transparent table
                            "VIEW" = database view
                            "INTTAB" = internal table
                            • Delivery class of the table in parameter WE_TABLE_CONTFLAG