Parameter | Reference | Type | Length | Default | Optional | Text |
WI_SIMULATION | TRPARI-W_SIMULAT | C | 1 | ' ' | X | Flag, 'X' - no database update |
WI_SUPPRESS_KEY_CHECK | TRPARI-W_NO_CHECK | C | 1 | ' ' | X | Flag whether key syntax check is suppressed |
WI_TRKORR | E070-TRKORR | C | 20 | Task to be added to |
Parameter | Reference | Length | Optional | Text |
WT_E071 | E071 | 180 | Table of objects to be added | |
WT_E071K | E071K | 282 | Table of keys to be added |
Exception | Text |
KEY_CHAR_IN_NON_CHAR_FIELD | Character in a non-character field in a task key |
KEY_CHECK_KEYSYNTAX_ERROR | Syntax error in an E071K entry (-> message) |
KEY_INTTAB_TABLE | Table is internal table for a task key |
KEY_LONGER_FIELD_BUT_NO_GENERC | Table key longer than E071K table key, but not generic |
KEY_MISSING_KEY_MASTER_FIELDS | Empty master field(s) in a task key |
KEY_MISSING_KEY_TABLEKEY | Field table key empty in a task key |
KEY_NON_CHAR_BUT_NO_GENERIC | Non-char key but no generic in task key |
KEY_NO_KEY_FIELDS | Table: no key fields for a task key |
KEY_STRING_LONGER_CHAR_KEY | Table string longer than char key begin for task key |
KEY_TABLE_HAS_NO_FIELDS | Table has no fields for a task key |
KEY_TABLE_NOT_ACTIV | Table is not active for a task key |
KEY_UNALLOWED_KEY_FUNCTION | Invalid function in a task key |
KEY_UNALLOWED_KEY_OBJECT | Invalid object in the key of a task key |
KEY_UNALLOWED_KEY_OBJNAME | Invalid object name in the key of a task key |
KEY_UNALLOWED_KEY_PGMID | Invalid program ID in the key of a task key |
KEY_WITHOUT_HEADER | E071K entry without E071 header entry |
KEY_WRONG_CLIENT | Key editing in invalid client |
OB_CHECK_OBJ_ERROR | Syntax error in E071 entry (see message table) |
OB_DEVCLASS_NO_EXIST | Development class does not exist |
OB_EMPTY_KEY | Select fields in LOCK_KEY are empty (system error) |
OB_GENERIC_OBJECTNAME | Generic object name only in command files |
OB_ILL_DELIVERY_TRANSPORT | Invalid transport to delivery system |
OB_ILL_LOCK | Lock in task of another system |
OB_ILL_PARTS_TRANSPORT | Single elements in original request |
OB_ILL_SOURCE_SYSTEM | Consolidation request only from integration system |
OB_ILL_SYSTEM_OBJECT | Invalid system object |
OB_ILL_TARGET | Consolidation request not in consolidation system |
OB_INTTAB_TABLE | Table is an internal table |
OB_INVALID_TARGET_SYSTEM | No application import in basis system |
OB_LOCAL_OBJECT | Local private object |
OB_LOCKED_BY_OTHER | Locked by another task |
OB_MODIF_ONLY_IN_MODIF_ORDER | Modifications only in tasks |
OB_NAME_TOO_LONG | Invalid object name length |
OB_NO_APPEND_OF_CORR_ENTRY | Invalid manual E071 correction entries |
OB_NO_APPEND_OF_C_MEMBER | C-member not with append (but with sapsccs) |
OB_NO_CONSOLIDATION_TRANSPORT | Invalid transport in consolidation layer |
OB_NO_ORIGINAL | Original request from non-original system |
OB_NO_SHARED_REPAIRS | No link of repairs possible |
OB_NO_SYSTEMNAME | System name cannot be determined or invalid length |
OB_NO_SYSTEMTYPE | System type cannot be determined |
OB_NO_TADIR | Missing TADIR entry, no lock necessary |
OB_NO_TADIR_NOT_LOCKABLE | Missing TADIR entry, lock necessary |
OB_PRIVAT_OBJECT | Private object (in consolidation request) |
OB_REPAIR_ONLY_IN_REPAIR_ORDER | Repairs only allowed in repair requests |
OB_RESERVED_NAME | Object in reserved name range |
OB_SYNTAX_ERROR | Incorrect object syntax |
OB_SYSTEM_ERROR | System error in determined request/task |
OB_TABLE_HAS_NO_FIELDS | Table has no fields (does not exist) |
OB_TABLE_NOT_ACTIV | Table is not activated |
OB_UNLOCAL_OBJEKT_IN_LOCAL_ORD | Transportable object not in local request |
OB_WRONG_CATEGORY | Request and object categories conflict |
OB_WRONG_CLIENT | Object editing in invalid clients |
OB_WRONG_TABLETYP | Identifier <-> object: table <-> view intermixed |
TR_ENQUEUE_FAILED | No short-term lock possible |
TR_ERRORS_IN_ERROR_TABLE | Object error, exact error in WT_TRMESS_INT |
TR_ILL_KORRNUM | Task does not correspond to |
TR_LOCKMOD_FAILED | TLOCK modification not possible |
TR_LOCK_ENQUEUE_FAILED | Error in competing TLOCK access |
TR_NOT_OWNER | Task has another owner |
TR_NO_AUTHORIZATION | No authorization for this function |
TR_NO_SYSTEMNAME | System name cannot be determined or invalid length |
TR_NO_SYSTEMTYPE | System type cannot be determined |
TR_ORDER_NOT_EXIST | Task does not exist |
TR_ORDER_RELEASED | Task already released |
TR_ORDER_UPDATE_ERROR | Error saving the task header E070 |
TR_WRONG_CLIENT | Task editing in invalid client |
TR_WRONG_ORDER_TYPE | Incorrect task type |
You can also use the function module TR_APPEND_TO_COMM_OBJECTS_KEYSoutside the Change and Transport System, since the actual function usesa short term lock (enqueue/dequeue edit lock) This function has its own transaction logic. It sends commits and maymake rollbacks. Use committed data only. This function module appends the objects in the table WT_E071 (fields:Fill PGMID, OBJECT, OBJ_NAME, maybe OBJFUNC) and the corresponding keysin the table WT_E071K (fields: Fill PGMID, OBJECT, OBJ_NAME,MASTERNAME, MASTERTYP, TABKEY. maybe OBJFUNC, VIEWNAME) to the task inthe parameter WI_TRKORR. This function can append objects to tasks only. If the parameter WI_SIMULATION = 'X', then the whole function isperformed, apart from the changes to the database. Use this parameterfor testing. The parameter WI_SUPPRESS_KEY_CHECK deativates the syntax check for thetable WT_E071K explicitly (only if the syntax has no errors). Caution: This function module changes entries in the table WT_E071;this means that entries are both deleted and changed. |