Functionality This function module allows you to directly access the interface forcredit card clearing in Travel Management (FI-TMC) outside the SAPsystem. The interface is based on a file with a fixed structure, which can beuploaded and edited with program RPRCCC00. The function module parameters correspond exactly with the linestructure for the file as defined in the interface documentation (formore information, see SAP Service Marketplace under FI-TMC). The parameters correspond to the following line types in the file:
- Parameter HEADER: line type H
- Parameter CHECKSUM: line type S
- Parameter MAIN: line type M
Example The function module can be used alongside the SAP Business Connector toautomate the receipt and processing of the credit card file. The filecan be sent in an HTTP request across the Internet to the BusinessConnector, or the Business Connector can read an e-mail address andforward the file to that address. You can then edit the file by callingthe function module using an RFC in the Business Connector. In addition, the Business Connector provides the option of convertingother file types (such as XML files) into the structure of the functionmodule by mapping other file formats. Further information Descriptions of the fields in the interface are available on SAP ServiceMarketplace under FI-TMC. Any mappings offered by SAP for the Business Connector can also be foundon SAP Service Marketplace under the alias TM-DOWNLOADS.