Functionality You can use this function within the Change and Transport System only.This is because it performs database updates without setting short-termlocks (enqueue locks). The function module TRINT_DELETE_COMM_OBJECT_KEYS deletes the objectentry specified in IS_E071_DELETE from the request or task specified inthe parameter IS_REQUEST. If the dialog flag is set, a check is made to see whether the object hasalready been modified (using a comparison with the last version in theversion database). If the object has been modified, an appropriatewarning is sent. For lockable objects, an appropriate I message is sent,and you must confirm the deletion explicitly. If all checks are passed, the function deletes the specified entry andall related key entries. If necessary, any locks on the object aredistributed to other subobject entries within the project. The tables E070, E071 and E071K, the lock table TLOCK, the SAPNAMESfiles (for repairs), and the repair flag of the object are thenconsistent again. The output parameter ET_NEW_LOCKS gets a list of the distributed locks.The changing parameter CS_REQUEST is modified at the same time as thedatabase changes are made. This means that you do not need to select thecalling function again. |