Function module: > TRANSFER_NAMES_TO_FIELDS Purpose: Fill a table of type HELP_VALUE Function group: SHL3 - Help functions for external use Responsible: KRAFTT Release: - Documentation>
Functionality This function module creates a table of type HELP_VALUE (which occursmostly under the name "FIELDS" as table parameter in the Help modules)from a list of table field names of format "
-". data: begin of fields occurs 10. include structure help_value. data: end of fields. data: begin of list_of_fields occurs 10, feldname(21), end of list_of_fields. data: fieldname like help_info-fieldname. fieldname = 'DD08V-TABNAME'. list_of_fields-feldname = 'DD08V-TABNAME'. append list_of_fields. list_of_fields-feldname = 'DD03L-FIELDNAME'. append list_of_fields. list_of_fields-feldname = 'TSTCT-TTEXT'. append list_of_fields. refresh fields. call function 'TRANSFER_NAMES_TO_FIELDS> exporting selectfield = fieldname tables fields = fields namelist = list_of_fields exceptions wrong_format_given = 01.
Notes To use it in the function modules for external use in the F4 Help,please refer to the documentation for moduleHELP_VALUES_GET_NO_DD_NAME>.
Parameter description Parameter Reference field/structure Default value
Import parameters
SELECTFIELD: Selected table field Meaning: Name of the field, for which the display/Help is requested. The field must belong to an active Dictionary table and match one of the field names in LIST_OF_FIELDS. It determines the setting of field SELECTFLAG.
Table parameters
FIELDS: Names of the fields in the internal table Meaning: FIELDS contains the fields TABNAME and FIELDNAME, as well as field SELECTFLAG. These contain the names of the field of the external table, listed by table and field name. SELECTFLAG is set to "X" for that field, for which Help was requested. FIELDS is filled by the function module. Value set: None LIST_OF_FIELDS: Names of the fields in the internal table Meaning: LIST_OF_FIELDS contains the table fields in format "