SAP Function THMHR_EVENTS_MM_METHOD - Determine valuation method for MM instrument

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text
I_BUKRS BUKRS C 4 Company Code
I_CURR THM_CURR_DER C 5 Currency of the designated volume of the derivative
I_DATE THM_CALCULATION_DATE D 8 Date of calculation
I_FC XFELD C 1 Foreign currency denominated?
I_RFHA TB_RFHA C 13 Financial transaction

Parameter Reference Type Length Text
E_BENCH_VAL THM_DELTA_DERIVATIVE P 9 Value of the underlying MM instrument
E_VAL_METHOD I I 4 1 = spot/spot, 2 = mark-to-market

Exception Text
ERROR_DETERMINING_EFFECT Error determining the effectiveness of the hedging relationship
INCONSISTENT_DATA Data could not be read
INCONSISTENT_HEDGE_CAT Derivative is in multiple HR's with differing hedge cats
INVALID_HEDGE_CAT Invalid hedge category for the hedging status

Value of the underlying money market instrument when using thebenchmark method. The accounting routines and NPV calculations do notknow about the hedge strategies. Therefore, the value of the MMinstrument will not be calculated correctly. The hedge managementapplication has this information, and will then pass it back to theaccounting program.
If this field is blank, the value of the instrument will either be readfrom the NPV table or calculated normally.