SAP Function TEXT_SEQUENTIAL_SEARCH - Sequential search in a text

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text
LANGUAGE SYST-LANGU C 1 'D' X Language indicator
OLD_COUNT FIST-HITS I 4 Number of previous hits

Parameter Reference Type Length Text
NEW_COUNT FIST-HITS I 4 Number of hits
RESULT RSFIN-BOOL C 1 Result: 'X' = found, SPACE = not f

Parameter Reference Length Optional Text
SEARCHTAB FIST 48 Predefined and checked search term
TEXT TLINE 134 Text to be scanned

Exception Text
INTERN_ERROR Internal error.
SEARCHTAB_EMPTY Search term is empty.
SEARCHTAB_TOO_LONG Search term is too complex.
SEARCHTAB_UNCHECKED Predefined search term is not chec