SAP Function TEXT_MATRIX - Represent text window as a special case of pushbutton graphics

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text
CSIZE 0 SPACE X Line width in characters
PWDID 0 SPACE X Dialog parameters
RSIZE 0 SPACE X Minimum number of lines
SET_FOCUS 0 'x' X Set focus during reload
SHOW_LINES 0 SPACE X Internal use only
STAT 0 SPACE X Dialog parameters
SUPER 0 SPACE X Dialog parameters
TIMER 0 0 X Internal Use Only !!
TTEXT 0 SPACE X Title text of the window
WINID 0 SPACE X Dialog parameters
WINPOS 0 SPACE X Window position
WINSZX 0 '50' X Window size Y in %
WINSZY 0 '50' X Window size X in %

Parameter Reference Type Length Text
B_TYP 0 Feedback class
CUA_ID 0 Specified CUA return message
M_TYP 0 Dialog parameters
RWNID 0 Dialog parameters

Parameter Reference Length Optional Text
DATA 0 Table with text lines

A text info window is represented as a special case of a pushbuttonmatrix.
The TEXT_MATRIX function module executes a call to the SAP PushbuttonGraphics program.
The text passed in DATA is represented in a pushbutton matrix. Thecharacter width to be represented is specified in CSIZE, which ispreset to '10'. The number of lines to be output is specified in RSIZE.If no value is specified, exactly the number of lines in DATA areoutput. If RSIZE is specified, AT LEAST that number of lines isrepresented, so that empty lines could occur.
The B_TYP parameter tells the type of message returned by SAP TextMatrix to the ABAP/4 program.
Possible types of returned messages are:
(The user selected Back, Cancel, or Exit.)
The user selected a button in the menu-bar.
The user requested help for a menu-bar button (by pressing F1 with thebutton).
The user pressed an F-key.
The values '0', '1', and '2' are returned only if your program calledGRAPH_ACTION todefine extra CUA items such as menu-buttons or F-keys. In these cases,the field CUA_ID identifies which buttons or F-keys have been selected.
Use this parameter if your program defines extra CUA items such asmenu-buttons or F-keys. (These definitions are made by callingGRAPH_ACTION.) CUA_ID contains valid information only if the fieldB_TYP returns the values '0', '1', or '2':
B_TYP='0',,CUA_ID identifies the menu-bar
,,button selected by the user.
B_TYP='1',,CUA_ID identifies the menu-bar
,,button for which the user requested help (with the
,,F1 button).
B_TYP='2',,CUA_ID identifies the function-key
,,selected by the user.
This is a dialog parameter which should not be used with the graphicsfunction module in new programs.
In existing programs, the graphics function module uses the M_TYPparameter to report messages from the graphics program back to theABAP/4 program.
If a program allowed the online user to open multiple windows, selectgraph objects or enter keyboard input, you may have needed to use thisparameter.
In new programs, you should use the utility function modules. Insteadof using M_TYP, set the MCODE parameter in GRAPH_RECEIVE.
The RBUFF parameter is an older parameter that is no longer needed. Donot use it for new programs.
This parameter is a dialog parameter which should not be used with thegraphics function module in new programs.
In existing programs, the graphics function module uses the RWNIDparameter to report ID of the window in which an online user requestoriginated. If a program was to allow the online user to open multiplewindows, you may have needed to use this parameter.
In new programs, you should use the utility function modules. The RWNIDparameter is set in GRAPH_RECEIVE.
The CSIZE table provides the function module with the width of the textwindow. The value in CSIZE is the number of characters per line.
The PWDID parameter tells the function module the name of the windowfrom which the online user requested opening a second window.
PWDID is a dialog parameter. If your program allows the user to openmultiple windows, you should use either the PWDID or SUPER parameters.
If the online user cannot open multiple windows with your program, youdo not need to use this parameter.
This parameter tells how many lines the text window must contain at aminimum.
If the value in RSIZE is greater than the number of lines in DATA,blank lines appear in the window to make up the difference.
If the value in RSIZE is smaller than the number of lines in DATA, thetext window contains as many lines as DATA.
If RSIZE has a value of SPACE, the TEXT_MATRIX uses number of lines inDATA as the number of lines in the window.
When <> SPACE, the focus is set to the corresponding graphic windowwhen subsequently loading for every call of the function module.
This is a dialog parameter which is used in both mechanisms for dialogprogramming. (New programs should use the mechanism with the utilityfunction modules GRAPH_RECEIVE and GET_xxxx_PARAM.)
The STAT parameter tells the function module what functions to performin calling the graphics program. These functions include starting thegraphics program in a new window and transferring data to the program.
If you are using the old mechanism without the utility functions, whichis not recommended for new programs, STAT functions also includewaiting for user input. If your program does not allow multiple windowsor input from the online user, you need not use this parameter.
The SUPER parameter tells the function module how to close windows whenthe online user has opened more than one.
SUPER is a dialog parameter. If your program allows the user to openmultiple windows, you should use either the SUPER or PWDID parameters.
If the online user cannot open multiple windows with your program, youdo not need to use this parameter.
This parameter contains the title for the text window. It appears inthe title bar of the window.
The WINID parameter tells the function module what window to specify incalling the graphics program. WINID can name either an existing window,or one that is to be created.
WINID is a dialog parameter. If your program allows the user to openmultiple windows, you may want to use the WINID parameter.
If the online user cannot open multiple windows with your program, youdo not need to use this parameter.
This parameter tells the function module where on the screen to placethe window when it first opens. Possible values are:
'1',,Upper Left
'2',,Upper Center
'3',,Upper Right
'4',,Middle Left
'5',,Middle Center
'6',,Middle Right
'7',,Lower Left
'8',,Lower Center
'9',,Lower Right
You must use WINPOS in order to use WINSZX and WINSZY. If WINPOS is notused, or you use it with its default value (SPACE), SAP Text Matrixignores WINSZX and WINSZY. The window is then positioned by default andgiven a default size.
Using WINPOS, WINSZX, and WINSZY is only effective on the first call toSAP Text Matrix (that is, when you open a text matrix window with thedialog parameter STAT = SPACE, '1', '2', or '7'). If you use them atother times, SAP Text Matrix ignores them.
This parameter tells the function module how wide the graphic windowshould be. Values for this parameter are assumed to be a percentage ofthe total screen size: a value of 100 makes the window as wide as thescreen.
The default value for this parameter is 50. The smallest possible sizefor the width is 400 pixels.
You must use WINPOS in order to use WINSZX. If WINPOS is not used, SAPText Matrix ignores WINSZX and gives the window a default size.
Using the three window parameters (WINPOS, WINSZX, WINSZY) is onlyeffective on the first call to SAP Text Matrix (that is, when you opena text matrix window with the dialog parameter STAT = SPACE, '1', '2',or '7'). If you use them at other times, SAP Text Matrix ignores them.
This parameter tells the function module how high the graphic windowshould be. Values for this parameter are assumed to be a percentage ofthe total screen size: a value of 100 makes the window as tall as thescreen.
The default value for this parameter is 50. The smallest possible sizefor the height is 300 pixels.
You must use WINPOS in order to use WINSZY. If WINPOS is not used, SAPText Matrix ignores WINSZY and gives the window a default size.
Using the three window parameters (WINPOS, WINSZX, WINSZY) is onlyeffective on the first call to SAP Text Matrix (that is, when you opena text matrix window with the dialog parameter STAT = SPACE, '1', '2',or '7'). If you use them at other times, SAP Text Matrix ignores them.
This parameter is a table of character strings. Each string contains aline of text that is to appear in text window. When the text lines arelonger than the window is wide (see the CSIZE parameter), or there aremore lines than in the RSIZE parameter, the user must scroll to readall the text.