Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text
I_FMOD_KEY AFX_DTE_FMOD_KEY C 30 Key for AFX Function Modules
I_LANGUAGE SYST-LANGU C 1 SY-LANGU X SAP R/3 System, Current Language

Parameter Reference Type Length Text
E_STR_HEAD_X AFX_STR_FMOD_HEAD_X u 105 AFX Function Modules: Header with Text
E_TAS_CHA_X AFX_TAS_FMOD_CHA_X h 329 AFX Function Modules: Changing Parameter(s) with Text
E_TAS_EXC_X AFX_TAS_FMOD_EXC_X h 143 AFX Function Modules: Exceptions with Text
E_TAS_EXP_X AFX_TAS_FMOD_EXP_X h 306 AFX Function Modules: Export Parameters with Text
E_TAS_IMP_X AFX_TAS_FMOD_IMP_X h 329 AFX Function Modules: Import Parameters with Text

Exception Text