SAP Function AFWKF_MAIN_SHLP_EXIT - Search Help Exit for Search Help for Key Figure

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text

Parameter Reference Length Optional Text

This function module is just an example for the interface and forstructure of search help exits insearch helps.
All of the interface parameters defined here are mandatory for afunction module that is to be used as a search help exit, since thecalling program does not know which parameters are really usedinternally.
A search help exit is called for multiple events
On the other hand, if the step is completely transferred by the functionmodule, then the next step has to be returned in CALLCONTROL-STEP.
Also refer to the more detailed documentation on the concept of searchhelp exits.
For any steps that it does not know, or that it does not want toprocess, the function module has to respond immediately with an EXIT.

Current search help of categorySHLP_DESCR_T.
In the SELONE event, the search help directlyassigned to the field is transferred. This search help can also be acollective search help. During all later events, the elementary searchhelp is transferred that either was selected online or was assigneddirectly to the field from the start.

If the data selection is adopted by the search help exit (step SELECT),then the hit list has to be returned in this table in internal format.
If the data display is adopted by the search help exit (step DISP), thenthe hit list is transferred to this table in internal format.

This table is primarily relevant for the SELONEevent (selection of an elementary search helpfrom multiple options).
Each row of the table contains the complete description of an elementarysearch help(row type is SHLP_DESCR_T).You can limit the number of elementary search helps by manipulatingSHLP_TAB. Normally SELONE can be kept as the next step. The user thenreceives the limited quantity of elementary helps to select from.
At the SELONE timepoint, the related collective help is available in theSHLP parameter.
The next step should only be changed to PRESEL1 in the following case:if at the SELONE timepoint there is more than one entry in SHLP_TAB, butthe selection dialog box should not be displayed. The search help to beused should then be transferred beforehand from SHLP_TAB to SHLP.