SAP Function ADS2KIPUPL_UPLOAD_COMPLETED - SPEC2000 IP Upload: Upload Completed

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text
IS_HEADER SPCIPHDR u 70 Stores header information for IP data
I_LOG_OBJKEY BALNREXT C 100 X Object Key for Log (If initial, the object key is generated in the program)
I_MSG_RECORDED BOOLE_D C 1 Messages have been recorded
I_UNAME SYUNAME C 12 SAP System, user logon name

Exception Text
ERROR_IN_EXPRESS Error Sending the Express Message
ERROR_IN_MAIL Error Sending the Mail

This function is triggered when the SPEC2000 Upload process hascompleted.
This is a two step process in which a mail is sent to the user's Inboxalongwith an express message.
The user can view the SPEC2000 Upload Application Log by clicking onthe execute button of the
express message or alternatively from the IP Browser.
The mail is sent using the Business Communication Interface(BCI).