SAP Function ADK_CCMS_POPUP_OBJECTS - Dialog box for the display of archiving objects of a database table

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text
TABLE DD02L-TABNAME C 30 Database Table Name

This function module returns all archiving objects used by a databasetable.
A list of all archiving objects corresponding to the database tableaccording to parameter TABLE is ouput.
You can execute the following actions in this list:

  • Expand the list by archiving object to list all database tables used in
  • that object.
    • Call the archive management for an archiving object by clicking on the
    • icon in the object line.
      • Call this list for another table, as new session, by clicking on
      • the icon in the line in the database table.


        Start list as new session
        TABLE = 'CDCLS'.

        Output list in current session
        TABLE = 'CDCLS'.

        If the function module cannot determine an archiving object then youcannot archive for this table. This can be due to one of the followingreasons:

        • Archiving is not possible.

        • The table contains derived data that is deleted but not written to the
        • archive (table unknown to ADK).
          • The data in this table is archived via a view or a similar structure
          • (table unknown to ADK).
            • The data in this table is archived via an archiving class for which no
            • table information is stored in the ADK.
              If no new session is generated then you have usually reached themaximum no. of open sessions. Solve this by closing one of the opensessions.

              Via the parameter TABLE you must pass the name of a transparentdatabase table that is active in the Data Dictionary.