Functionality This function module returns all database tables for an archivingobject that are elements of the object. You can decide whether you want all database tables of an archivingobject, or whether you just want the database tables from which datawas removed by archiving. Example TYPE-POOLS: ADK. DATA: OBJECT_TABLES TYPE ADK_CCMS_TABLES, LINE TYPE ADK_CCMS_TABLE. CALL FUNCTION 'ADK_CCMS_GET_TABLES' EXPORTING OBJECT = 'EXAMPLE' TABLES OBJECT_TABLES = OBJECT_TABLES EXCEPTIONS OBJECT_NOT_FOUND = 1. IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0. LOOP AT OBJECT_TABLES INTO LINE. WRITE: / LINE-TABNAME, LINE-TEXT. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. Notes As this function module returns the names of the database tables andnot the names of the tables according to the Data Dictionary the tablenames may be different to the table names in the definition of thearchiving object. Description This parameter controls whether all database tables in an archivingobject should be returned, or only those tables from which data isremoved by archiving. Value range
- ' ',,return all tables
- 'X',,only return tables from which data is removed
Default 'X',,only return tables from which data is removed Description The parameter OBJECT> describes the archiving object. With the parameter specify for which archiving object you want thedatabase tables. The archiving object must be known to the system, otherwise theexception OBJECT_NOT_FOUND> is triggered.Description In this table (type ADK_CCMS_TABLES>) the names of the requireddatabase tables are returned.