SAP Function ADDR_GET_COMPLETE - Read the complete address object (incl. all communication tables)

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text
ADDRHANDLE ADDR1_SEL-ADDRHANDLE C 140 X Address Handle (Temporary Key)
ADDRNUMBER ADDR1_SEL-ADDRNUMBER C 10 X Address Number (Key of Database Table)
ARCHIVE_HANDLE SYST-TABIX I 4 X Read Address from Archive
IV_CURRENT_COMM_DATA AD_COMCURR C 1 'X' X Indicator: Current Status of Communication Data

Parameter Reference Type Length Text
ADDR1_COMPLETE SZADR_ADDR1_COMPLETE 0 Complete Address Object (Including Communication)

Exception Text
ADDRESS_NOT_EXIST Address does not exist
INTERNAL_ERROR Serious internal error (MESSAGE A...)
PARAMETER_ERROR Incorrect parameter values
WRONG_ACCESS_TO_ARCHIVE Incorrect access to archived data

The function module gets all addresses for an address number or addresshandle, including all their communication types and notes about theaddress or communication type.
The data is returned in the complex structure ADDR1_COMPLETE whichcomprises the subtables

  • ADDR1_TAB (address transfer structure)

  • ADTEL_TAB, ADFAX_TAB, ... (communication type table)

  • ADRCT_TAB (communication type notes)

  • ADRT_TAB (address notes)
  • Example
    Read all data for an address number
    * Declare transfer structure
    data: addr1_complete type szadr_addr1_complete.
    * Declare address number variable
    data: addrnumber like addr1_sel-addrnumber.
    * Specify parameters
    addrnumber = ...
    * Read data
    call function 'ADDR_GET_COMPLETE'
    exporting addrnumber = addrnumber
    importing addr1_complete = addr1_complete
    exceptions parameter_error = 1
    address_not_exist = 2
    internal_error = 3.
    case sy-subrc.
    * You can access and process the data read by LOOPing over the tables
    * in ADDR1_COMPLETE.
    * The subtable ADDR1_TAB has the type structure SZADR_ADDR1_LINE,
    * so you must access the fields with ADDR1_COMPLETE-DATA-.

    The module calls the function modules ADDR_COMM_GET, ADDR_GET andADDR_REMARKS_GET to access the database tables.



    • Raised if both address number and address handle or neither of them ispassed.

      • Returned if no data is found for the specified address number oraddress handle.

        • Severe internal program error or data inconsistency. Is always an Amessage.