Functionality The function module reads all records for the addresses specified inthe structure ADD RESS_SELECTION>and puts them in the return structures ADDRESS_VALUE and SADR. ADDRESS_ADDITIONAL_INFO returns the communication types for which datais maintained for these addresses. If the flag READ_TEXTS is set, key field texts (language key,countries, and so on) are also returned in ADDRESS_TEXT. If an address group with the parameterADDRESS_GROUP> is passed, the tableADRSTATUS is checked to see whether the addresses in this address groupare in the Business Address Services tables (ADRC etc.) or still in theold table SADR. If the data is still in SADR, they are read there,otherwise from ADRC. This can change program accesses from SADR toADRC, depending on when the data is moved from SADR to ADRC. If the flag READ_SADR_ONLY is set, only the old table SADR is read. Thereturn parameters return the old address structure SADR and the newaddress structure ADDRESS_VALUE.Example See the examples in the function group documentation. Notes The database table SADR is obsolete in the SAP standard from Release4.5. It may still be used in customer solutions. Passing the parametersREAD_SADR_ONLY or ADDRESS_GROUP is therefore only useful in exceptionalcircumstances from 4.5. SADR can still be used as a structure in programs. Further information Documentation of function group SZA0>Description Entering an address group can trigger special handling: The systemchecks whether the data conversion SADR -> ADRC has already occurredfor the addresses in the corresponding address group. In any case, both return parameters ADDR1_VAL and SADR are filled. If an address group whose addresses have already been converted ispassed, ADRC is read and structure SADR is returned filled, in additionto ADDR1_VAL. If no conversion has occurred, table SADR is read and the SADRstructure is returned; structure ADDR1_DATA from SADR is also filled. Value range Valid ADRC address group (CA01 for Customizing addresses) Default SPACE Description Key entry to specify the address to read. Value range In the calling program, normally only the address number is recognizedby a foreign key relationship (for example, plant T001W-ADRNR,purchasing organization TVKO-ADRNR). The address number is to be passedto the parameter ADDRNUMBER. Addresses created but not yet stored in the local memory can beidentified and read with the parameter ADDRHANDLE. Only one of the two parameters ADDRNUMBER and ADDRHANDLE has to befilled. NATION is an indicator for international fonts. It does not normallyneed to be filled. The address that was created as the default isreturned in each case. The parameter DATE is for time dependency. It is not currentlysupported. The parameter does not show a validity date for which theaddress is to be read. If the parameter is filled with a value otherthan '00000000' (initial value for date field) or '00010101'(currently the only possible database key), an error is returned inERROR_TABLE (return code 'E'). Default The parameter is not predefined. |