Parameter | Reference | Type | Length | Default | Optional | Text |
CHECK_ADDRESS | SZAD_FIELD-FLAG | C | 1 | 'X' | X | Flag: Check address contents |
IV_TIME_DEPENDENT_COMM_DATA | AD_TIMEDEP | C | 1 | SPACE | X | Indicator: Time Validity for Communication Data |
SUPPRESS_TAXJURCODE_CHECK | SZAD_FIELD-FLAG | C | 1 | SPACE | X | Kz.: "Tax Jurisdiction Code" field not handled |
Parameter | Reference | Type | Length | Text |
OK_CODE | SYST-UCOMM | C | 70 | OK_CODE passed for calling program |
Parameter | Reference | Length | Optional | Text |
NUMBER_HANDLE_TAB | ADDR1_DIA | 2014 | Transfer table of addresses to be processed | |
VALUES | ADDR1_DATA | 1187 | X | Return table with maintained address data |
Exception | Text |
ADDRESS_NOT_EXIST | Address does not exist or is invalid |
GROUP_NOT_VALID | Address group does not exist or is invalid |
INTERNAL_ERROR | Serious internal error (MESSAGE A...) |
PARAMETER_ERROR | Incorrect parameter values |
This function module displays a dialog box, in which a complete addresscan be maintained. The following parameters must be specified in the data passing tableNUMBER_HANDLE_TAB for each address record: - either ADDRNUMBER or HANDLE for the address key (NATION, DATE_FROMand DATE_TO are not yet used) - the valid address group for the application according to table TSAD7(optional in display mode) in the ADDR_GROUP field - the maintenance mode in the MAINT_MODE field: 'DISPLAY': display the address data for an address number. 'CREATE': create a new address record. 'CHANGE': change an existing address. - if fields are to have default values, the associated fields in theaddress data record in the NUMBER_HANDLE_TAB should be filled; theseare the fields in the Include structures ADNM_STRUC, ADRC_STRUC andADDR1_COMM. - the field CURSOR_FLD is provided in order to set the cursor position. - the application address reference, if the function 'Delete' is to beactive. The function can be deactivated via the function moduleADDR_DIALOG_PREPARE (function code DELE). The following parameters are returned when you leave the maintenancepopup: - the function code; possible values are: 'CONT' copy 'CANC' cancel 'DELE' delete (only in case the function is activated) - change information for each address record in the fieldNUMBER_HANDLE_TAB-UPDATEFLAG: 'U' for a change, 'D' for deletion - the values maintained for each address record, in the table VALUES. Notes Further information Description Value range |
646153 | Termination BF00308 when maintaining bank addresses |