SAP Function ADDR_DIALOG - Dialog maintenance of addresses

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text
CHECK_ADDRESS SZAD_FIELD-FLAG C 1 'X' X Flag: Check address contents
IV_TIME_DEPENDENT_COMM_DATA AD_TIMEDEP C 1 SPACE X Indicator: Time Validity for Communication Data
SUPPRESS_TAXJURCODE_CHECK SZAD_FIELD-FLAG C 1 SPACE X Kz.: "Tax Jurisdiction Code" field not handled

Parameter Reference Type Length Text
OK_CODE SYST-UCOMM C 70 OK_CODE passed for calling program

Parameter Reference Length Optional Text
NUMBER_HANDLE_TAB ADDR1_DIA 2014 Transfer table of addresses to be processed
VALUES ADDR1_DATA 1187 X Return table with maintained address data

Exception Text
ADDRESS_NOT_EXIST Address does not exist or is invalid
GROUP_NOT_VALID Address group does not exist or is invalid
INTERNAL_ERROR Serious internal error (MESSAGE A...)
PARAMETER_ERROR Incorrect parameter values

This function module displays a dialog box, in which a complete addresscan be maintained.
The following parameters must be specified in the data passing tableNUMBER_HANDLE_TAB for each address record:
- either ADDRNUMBER or HANDLE for the address key (NATION, DATE_FROMand DATE_TO are not yet used)
- the valid address group for the application according to table TSAD7(optional in display mode) in the ADDR_GROUP field
- the maintenance mode in the MAINT_MODE field:
'DISPLAY': display the address data for an address number.
'CREATE': create a new address record.
'CHANGE': change an existing address.
- if fields are to have default values, the associated fields in theaddress data record in the NUMBER_HANDLE_TAB should be filled; theseare the fields in the Include structures ADNM_STRUC, ADRC_STRUC andADDR1_COMM.
- the field CURSOR_FLD is provided in order to set the cursor position.
- the application address reference, if the function 'Delete' is to beactive. The function can be deactivated via the function moduleADDR_DIALOG_PREPARE (function code DELE).
The following parameters are returned when you leave the maintenancepopup:
- the function code; possible values are:
'CONT' copy
'CANC' cancel
'DELE' delete (only in case the function is activated)
- change information for each address record in the fieldNUMBER_HANDLE_TAB-UPDATEFLAG: 'U' for a change, 'D' for deletion
- the values maintained for each address record, in the table VALUES.

The application should call the function module ADDR_DIALOG_PREPARE toparameterize the dialog box (title, field selection, excludedfunctions, and so on).
The data maintained in the dialog box is not written to the database.Additional function modules must be called to save the data. Also see

Further information
Function group docu for the function groups SZA1 and SZA0.

The parameter returns the function code selected by the user in thedialog provided that the function module is left in this way.

Value range
The following values are possible:
BACK: Back = F3
CANC: Cancel = F12
END : End = F15
NEXT: Next address
PREV: Previous address
The functions 'next address' and 'previous address' are used fornavigation when editing a list of several addresses.

646153Termination BF00308 when maintaining bank addresses