Functionality The function module ADDRESS_INTO_PRINTFORM formats an address forprinting. The address is formatted according to your entries and postalguidelinesin the correct number of lines. A one-line short address(name and city) and a one-line short address for the data carrier(payment without documents per data carrier exchange (DCE)) are alsoreturned. Country-specific formats, which depend on the recipient land, aresupported. These are based on international address formats from the officialFederal German Post Office postal code book. An overview of the currently-implemented country-specific formatsfollows below. Customers can program their own formatting routines in Customer exitsusing the SAP enhancement SZAD0001 in the development class SZAD (->transaction CMOD). Control parameters See also the appropriate parameter documentation. ADDRESS_TYPE - Address type (from 3.0C) There are three different address types: Address type '1': addresses of firms or organizations; the addressstructure which is used in most SAP applications as 'Address'. Address type '2': address of a living person Address type '3': company address, usually the address of a contactperson in a company The default value SPACE for the address type is handled as type '1' andis required for the upwards-compatibility of the function module. Address type SPACE uses the interface parameters ADRSWA_IN, ADRSWA_OUTand ADDRESS_NUMBER, the other address types use the remaining interfaceparameters and ADDRESS_NUMBER. The following parameters correspond: ADDRESS_NUMBER - no equivalent SENDER_COUNTRY - ADRSWA_IN-INLND RECEIVER_LANGUAGE - ADRSWA_IN-SPRAS NUMBER_OF_LINES - ADRSWA_IN-ANZZL STREET_HAS_PRIORITY - ADRSWA_IN-WAREN LINE_PRIORITY - ADRSWA_IN-PRIOR COUNTRY_NAME_IN_RECEIVER_LANGU - no equivalent LANGUAGE_FOR_COUNTRY_NAME - no equivalent NUMBER_OF_USED_LINES - ADRSWA_OUT-ANZZL NAME_IS_EMPTY - no equivalent The meanings of the parameters are explained in the parameterdocumentation. The three-character recipient country " Address format key" (LAND1) controls which of the existingcountry-specific address formatting routines in that country is to beused. This key is in the field T005-ADDRS, and is entered incustomizing in the detail screen of Global settings -> Countries ->Define countries under "Address format key". Keys for user routines in the SAP enhancement SZAD0001 can bemaintained via the transaction SM30 (Extended table maintenance),tablename T005A, in the customer name range, and be assigned in countrycustomizing. The adress attributes are passed in the structures ADDRESS1 (type 1),ADDRESS2 (type 2), ADDRESS3 (type 3) or ADRSWA_IN (type SPACE)depending on the address type. NUMBER_OF_LINES (ADRSWA_IN-ANZZL) Number of lines available for the address format. If the number oflinesis not enough for the complete address format, lines areconsecutively suppressed, according to the rules of the country. Theparameter LINE_PRIORITY (ADRSWA_IN-PRIOR) overrules the standardline-suppression sequence. LINE_PRIORITY (ADRSWA_IN-PRIOR) If not SPACE, this field overrules the standard line-suppressionsequence when the number of lines available ANZZL is insufficient. The standard sequence is as follows: Type 1: 'AP43RTLC2BSIO' (GB: 'APRT432CBSLIO') Type 2: 'APRTLCBSIO' (GB: 'PRTCBSLIO') Type 3: 'AP43RTLC2BSNDIO' (GB: 'APRT432CBSLNDIO') where (if they occupy a line of their own): A = title P = compulsory empty line 4 = name 4 3 = name 3 R = region T = district D = department L = country C = postal code 2 = name 2 B = PO box S = street or postbox N = name (and title) of a living person I = location O = city STREET_HAS_PRIORITY (ADRSWA_IN-WAREN) 'X': street has priority over PO box (e.g. delivery address) ' ': PO box has priority over street. This is the default value. SENDER_COUNTRY (ADRSWA_IN-INLND) Sender country key to determine whether the address is domestic orforeign. RECEIVER_LANGUAGE (ADRSWA_IN-SPRAS) Recipient language (if different from the language set for therecipient country; example Switzerland) COUNTRY_NAME_IN_RECEIVER_LANGUAGE Use recipient language for country name flag. LANGUAGE_FOR_COUNTRY_NAME Explicit specification of a language for the country name (e.g. alwaysEnglish for customs transit papers). ADDRESS_NUMBER Address number for the addresses for which there is an additionalcharacter set version in the central address table SADR (Japan). If theparameter is set, the address is reread and formatted instead of theactual address (e.g. customer). Return parameters The formatted address is returned in the 10 fields LINE0 - LINE9 of thereturn structure ADDRESS_PRINTFORM (or the structure ADRSWA_OUT). A one-line short address consisting of the name and city is returned inthe parameter ADDRESS_SHORT_FORM (field ADRSWA_OUT-LINEK). The formatis NAME1/city (from the formatted address). A one-line data carrier short address is returned in the parameterADDRESS_DATA_CARRIER (in the field ADRSWA_OUT-LINED). This usuallyconsists of the postal code, city and country ID, formattedcountry-specifically. NUMBER_OF_USED_LINES (ADRSWA_OUT-ANZZL) The number of lines used for the address is returned here. NAME_IS_EMPTY Return code which indicates that no formatting was performed becausesome name fields were not filled. General formatting rules INCLUDE 'ADDRESS_PRINTFORM_RULES' OBJECT DOKU ID TX It is intended to take account of other internationally-required,(above all in Asia) address attributes such as street supplement,building, floor, room. Overview of the currently-implemented country-specific formats INCLUDE 'ADDRESS_COUNTRY_PRINTFORM' OBJECT DOKU ID TX Description Address number for the addresses for which an additional character setversion is stored in the address table SADR (Japan). If the parameteris filled, the character set version is checked and instead the actualaddress (for example, of a customer) is formatted. Currently, this is only supported when sending to or from Japan. So that the address for parameter ADDRESS_NUMBER is found in theaddress file, the relevant version indicator must be made known bymodifying the SAP include LSADRI00. Description There are three types of address: Address type '1': 'Normal' addresses (company or organization); is theaddress structure which is used as 'Address' in most SAP applications. Address type '2': Address of a natural person Address type '3': Office address, the address of a contact person in acompany The default address type SPACE is handled as type '1' and is requiredfor the forward-compatibility of the function module. Address type SPACE uses the interface parameters ADRSWA_IN, ADRSWA_OUT,ADDRESS_NUMBER and COUNTRY_NAME_IN_RECEIVER_LANGU, the other addresstypes use the remaining interface parameters and ADDRESS_NUMBER andCOUNTRY_NAME_IN_RECEIVER_LANGU. The following parameters are used (import) or filled (export): Address type 1
- Import parameters:
- Export parameters:
- Import parameters:
- Export parameters:
- Import parameters:
- Export parameters:
ADDRESS_PRINTFORM ADDRESS_SHORT_FORM ADDRESS_DATA_CARRIER NUMBER_OF_USED_LINES NAME_IS_EMPTY Address type SPACE (default value with the interface which was validuntil Release 3.0B):
- Import parameters:
- Export parameters:
ADRSWA_OUT NAME_IS_EMPTY The following parameters correspond to each other: ADDRESS_NUMBER - no equivalent SENDER_COUNTRY - ADRSWA_IN-INLND RECEIVER_LANGUAGE - ADRSWA_IN-SPRAS NUMBER_OF_LINES - ADRSWA_IN-ANZZL STREET_HAS_PRIORITY - ADRSWA_IN-WAREN LINE_PRIORITY ,, - ADRSWA_IN-PRIOR COUNTRY_NAME_IN_RECEIVER_LANGU - noequivalent NUMBER_OF_USED_LINES - ADRSWA_OUT-ANZZL NAME_IS_EMPTY - no equivalent The meaning of the parameters explained in the parameter documentation.Value range Possible values are 1,2,3 and SPACE (see above) Default SPACE Description Using this parameter, the language, in which the country name isoutputted (for a foreign address) can be set. Otherwise the language ofthe country of departure applies. Default The default value is SPACE because the parameter is optional. Description The parameter is used for address type 1, 2, and 3. The parameter can be used to control in which language literals areoutputted. This currently only affects the word 'P.O. box'. Value range All language keys defined in the SAP System are allowed (language tableT002). Default The parameter is preallocated the value SPACE. In the case of thedefault, the language of the recipient country is determined instead. Example In Switzerland there are several languages (depending on region) thatSAP country tables recognize, but at first only one language is offeredfor each country.