Parameter | Reference | Type | Length | Default | Optional | Text |
IF_CARRIER | /SPE/RET_CARRIER_NO | C | 10 | X | Carrier of returns delivery | |
IF_DELIVERY_DATE | LFDAT | D | 8 | X | Delivery date | |
IF_DELIVERY_TIME | LFUHR | T | 6 | X | Time of delivery | |
IF_EXTERNAL_ID | LIFEX | C | 35 | X | External Identification of Delivery Note | |
IT_BATCH_ATTRIBUTES | /SPE/INB_BATCH_ATTR_T | h | 192 | X | Attribute for Batches | |
IT_HUM_VERPO_SERNR | HUM_VERPO_SERNR_T | h | 126 | X | Serial Number for HU Item Proposal in the VERPO Structure |
Parameter | Reference | Type | Length | Text |
EF_NEW_DELIVERY | VBELN_VL | C | 10 | Document number of the created delivery |
Parameter | Reference | Length | Optional | Text |
ET_LIKP | LIKP | 1192 | SD Document: Delivery Header Data | |
IT_HU_HEADERS | VERKO | 679 | Handling Unit Confirmation: Content Data | |
IT_HU_ITEMS | VERPO | 244 | Handling-Unit Confirmation: Header Data | |
IT_REQUEST | VBPOK | 640 | Item information from returns ASN |
Exception | Text |
DELIVERY_UPDATE_FAILED | Delivery could not be updated |
DUPLICATE_LIFEX | Lifex already exists |
INCORRECT_CUSTOMIZING | No split profile could be determined |
INVALID_REQUEST | Request contains inconsistent information |
NOT_ALL_RMA_FOUND | Not all delivery items related to requested RMA numbers could be found |
POSTING_FAILED | Posting of delivery split could not be completed |
RMA_COMPLETED | RMA item is already completed |
SERIALIZATION_ERROR | Message was processed outside expected sequence |
SPLIT_ERROR | Error while processing the split request |