SAP Function /SPE/RET_INPUT_CARRIER - Processing Messages from SCEM: Wrapper Function

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text
IT_CARR_NOTIF /SPE/RET_CARR_NOTIF v 80 SCEM -> R/3 Mapping of Carrier Notification (SPE)

Parameter Reference Length Optional Text
RETURN BAPIRET2 548 X Return Parameter

This qRFC-enabled function module is used for communication between thecarrier portal on SAP SCEM and the returns delivery in the ERP system.
The carrier portal can use this function module to send informationabout deliveries that are loaded on one truck. You can report thesedeliveries at the delivery level (complete delivery is loaded) or, ifthe delivery is partially loaded, at the HU level. Partially loadeddeliveries lead to a delivery split in the ERP system. The systemupdates these deliveries with the truck ID (means of transport ID).
This function module can perform "completely loaded deliveries" or"partly loaded deliveries on HU level" in one call.

The input parameter structure of type /SPE/RET_CARR_NOTIF consists ofthe truck header data in structure /SPE/RET_CARR_INFO and deliveryinformation in table structure /SPE/RET_DELV_INFO_T.

The function module parameter /SPE/RET_CARR_NOTIF is structured in thefollowing way:

  • /SPE/RET_CARR_NOTIF (shipment Information from SAP SCEM):

  • /SPE/RET_CARR_INFO (truck header data)
    /SPE/RET_DELV_INFO_T (table structure with deliveries or handling units(HU) of the truck)
    Parameter structure /SPE/RET_CARR_INFO contains the header data of onetruck.
    Parameter structure /SPE/RET_DELV_INFO_T contains entries for alldeliveries or HUs loaded on that truck.

    Parameter /SPE/RET_CARR_INFO
    This truck header data structure includes the following data elements:

    • /SPE/RET_CARRIER (the carrier of the delivery)

    • /SPE/RET_TRKID (the tracking ID of the delivery)

    • TRAID (the means of transport ID)

    • /SPE/RET_PK_TYPE (the truck assignment level)

    • 'DL' for "Delivery information on delivery level" for all deliveriesthat are completely loaded on the truck
      'HU' for "Delivery information on HU level" for all deliveries that arepartially loaded on the truck.

      Parameter /SPE/RET_DELV_INFO
      This table structure contains the delivery information, which includesthe following data elements:

      • VBELN_VL (delivery number)

      • /SPE/RET_LAST_INT_LOCN (the last location flag)

      • EXIDV [the external HU number (applies only to truck
      • assignment level = HU)]
        For /SPE/RET_PK_TYPE = 'HU', every entry of structure/SPE/RET_DELV_INFO_T must contain the delivery number (VBELN_VL) and theexternal HU number (EXIDV). Therefore, table structure/SPE/RET_DELV_INFO_T contains one entry of every HU of a delivery.
        For completely loaded deliveries (/SPE/RET_PK_TYPE = 'DL' ), theexternal HU number EXID of structure /SPE/RET_DELV_INFO_T must be empty.
        The shipment information data on the delivery level for one truck can besubmitted as in the following example:
        Truck header data of /SPE/RET_CARR_INFO:
        'CARRIER_01' '84638271' 'XX-ZZ-1001' 'DL'
        Delivery information data of /SPE/RET_DELV_INFO_T then contains no HUdata:
        '00840001' 'X'
        '00840005' ' '
        '00840007' 'X'
        '00840009' 'X'
        The shipment information data of partially loaded deliveries at the HUlevel for one truck can be submitted as in the following example:
        Truck header data of /SPE/RET_CARR_INFO:
        'CARRIER_01' '84638412' 'XX-ZZ-1001' 'HU'
        Delivery information data of /SPE/RET_DELV_INFO_T then contains HU data:
        '00840011' 'X' 'HU_0001'
        '00840011' 'X' 'HU_0002'
        '00840011' 'X' 'HU_0005'
        '00840019' ' ' 'HU_2251'
        '00840019' ' ' 'HU_2254'

        These table parameters are used to communicate error information.

        Value range
        The following is a list of some of the delivered messages:

        • 000: Deliveries do not have identical delivery type

        • 001: Pick up type DL must not contain HU &2 for delivery &1

        • 002: Pick up type HU must contain HU data for delivery &1

        • 003: Pick up type not equal HU or DL

        • 004: Truck information for HU &1 without delivery number

        • 005: Truck information sent without delivery data

        • The table also contains all messages (error, warning, and information)associated with delivery generation.