SAP Function /SPE/RET_GET_ASNS - Selects SPM returns deliveries according to criteria given

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text
IV_SELECT_CODE /SPE/RET_MON_SEL_CODE C 1 SPACE X Show only returns relevant for cancellation

Parameter Reference Length Optional Text
CT_POSTAB LIPOV 1188 X View: Header and item delivery information
IT_R_ERDAT RANGE_DATE 19 X Structure of a Range Table for a Date
IT_R_ERNAM RANGE_C12 27 X Structure of a Range Table for a 12 Character Field
IT_R_EXEXD /SPE/RET_EXP_TMS_EXT_RANGE 19 X External end date of validity period for range table
IT_R_EXIDV RANGE_C20 43 X Structure of a Range Table for a Character (20) Field
IT_R_INEXD /SPE/RET_EXP_TMS_INT_RANGE 19 X Internal end date of validity period for range table
IT_R_KUNNR RANGE_C10 23 X Structure of a Range Table for a (10) Character Field
IT_R_LFART RANGE_C4 11 X Structure of a range table for a character (4) field
IT_R_LFDAT RANGE_DATE 19 X Structure of a Range Table for a Date
IT_R_LIFEX RANGE_C35 73 X Structure of a Range Table for a Character (35) Field
IT_R_MATNR RANGE_MAT 39 X Structure of a range table for order numbers
IT_R_SPDNR RANGE_C10 23 X Structure of a Range Table for a (10) Character Field
IT_R_VBELN RANGE_C10 23 X Structure of a Range Table for a (10) Character Field
IT_R_VGBEL RANGE_C10 23 X Structure of a Range Table for a (10) Character Field
IT_R_VGPOS RANGE_C6 15 X Structure of a Range Table for a 6 Character Field
IT_R_VSTEL RANGE_C4 11 X Structure of a range table for a character (4) field

Exception Text

This function module is used in the delivery monitor to select returnsdeliveries.
It can be called with the following selection codes (IV_SELECT_CODE) :

  • ' ' = Displays all returns deliveries

  • '1' = Displays returns deliveries for cancellation

  • '2' = Displays returns deliveries for distribution

  • '3' = Displays returns deliveries for closing
  • Description
    This parameter describes the following selection codes:
    ' ' = Displays all returns deliveries
    '1' = Displays returns deliveries for cancellation
    '2' = Displays returns deliveries for distribution
    '3' = Displays returns deliveries for closing

    This parameter table contains all selected delivery items.