SAP Function /SPE/RET_CARR_INFO_PROCESSING - Processing of messages from SCEM portal

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text
IS_RET_CARR_INFO /SPE/RET_CARR_INFO u 67 SPE: Communication Structure for Carrier Portal Messages
IT_RET_DELV_MAP /SPE/RET_DELV_MAP_T h 24 Returns: delivery header -> hu or delivery item map

Exception Text
DELIVERY_UPDATE_FAILED Delivery could not be updated
INCORRECT_CUSTOMIZING No split profile could be determined
INVALID_REQUEST Request contains inconsistent information
SPLIT_ERROR Error while processing the split request

This function module gathers the delivery information sent from thecarrier portal to update deliveries in the ERP system. This module iscalled from the qRFC-enabled wrapper function /SPE/RET_INPUT_CARRIER.The deliveries that are loaded on the truck can be reported at thedelivery level (complete delivery is loaded) or, if the delivery ispartially loaded, at the handling unit (HU) level.
Partially loaded deliveries result in a delivery split in the ERPsystem. The deliveries are updated with the truck ID (with a transportID).
This function module can perform "completely loaded deliveries" or"partly loaded deliveries at the HU level" in one call.

The truck header data structure includes the following data elements:

  • /SPE/RET_CARRIER, which is the carrier of the delivery

  • /SPE/RET_TRKID, which is the tracking ID of the delivery

  • TRAID, which is the transport ID

  • /SPE/RET_PK_TYPE, which is the truck assignment level, and has the
  • following possible values:
    'DL' for "Delivery information on delivery level" for deliveries thatare completely loaded on the truck
    'HU' for "Delivery information on HU level" for deliveries that arepartially loaded on the truck.

    This table structure contains the delivery information and includes thefollowing data elements:

    • VBELN_VL, which is the delivery number

    • /SPE/RET_LAST_INT_LOCN, which is the last location flag

    • EXIDV, which is the external handling unit (HU) number

    • (only in case of truck assignment level = HU)
      For /SPE/RET_PK_TYPE = 'HU', every entry of structure/SPE/RET_DELV_INFO_T must contain the delivery number (VBELN_VL) and theexternal HU number (EXIDV). Therefore, table structure/SPE/RET_DELV_INFO_T contains one entry for every HU in a delivery.
      For completely loaded deliveries (/SPE/RET_PK_TYPE = 'DL' ), theexternal HU number EXID of structure /SPE/RET_DELV_INFO_T must be empty.