Functionality You use this remote-enabled function module to read material valuationdata from the SAP R/3 database table MBEW>. The function module prepares the entries from the importing tableIT_MBEW_KEY>, depending on which fields are provided. It fillsthese entries into internal tables to read material valuation data fromthe database table MBEW>. The function module fills the optional exporting tableET_MBEW_PLANT_DATA> with the data from the database table MBEW > and, if available, with the plant, long material number, andcurrency key of the company code. The function module fills the optional exporting tableET_MBEW_PLANT_EWM_DATA> for the Extended Warehouse Managementsystem with some fields from the database table MBEW >and, ifavailable, with the plant, long material number, and currency key of thecompany code.> Optional: The exporting table ET_NO_MBEW_ENTRY_FOUND> is filledwith the entries from the importing table IT_MBEW_KEY,> for whichno entries exist in the database table MBEW>. |