Functionality You can use this method to distribute inbound deliveries from an ERPsystem to a WM system. The following parameters are required: HEADER_DATA,,,,,,Inbound delivery header data SENDER_SYSTEM,,,,,,System of the sender HEADER_PARTNER,,,,Header data of the partners HEADER_DEADLINES,,,,Header data of the dates ITEM_DATA,,,,,,,,Item data of the inbound delivery ITEM_ORG,,,,,,,,Organisation data of the inbound delivery Notes The required parameters have the following required fields: Import parameter HEADER_DATA INB_DELVRY_NO DLV_TYPE Import parameter SENDER_SYSTEM SENDERSYSTEM Table parameter HEADER_PARTNER PARTN_ROLE = 'LF' Vendor is required partner PARTNER_NO Table parameter HEADER_DEADLINES TIMETYPE = 'WSHDRLFDAT' Delivery date Table parameter ITEM_DATA INB_DELVRY_NO ITM_NUMBER MATERIAL DLV_QTY SALES_UNIT_ISO oder SALES_UNIT Table parameter ITEM_DATA_ORG PLANT Further information This part of the text similar to the function module BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_ SAVEREPLICA HEADER_PARTNER Since the partners in the delivery are not managed on an item basis,the ITM_NUMBER field in the BAPIDLVPARTNER segment is left blank andnot analyzed. This part of this text is similar to function module BAPI_INB_DELIVERY_ CONFIRM_DEC HANDLING_UNIT_ITEM If the BAPI is used as an external interface for an external system,the packing hierarchy should be described as usual by using externalidentification numbers for shipping materials(HDL_UNIT_EXID_INTO/HDL_UNIT_EXID). Description This parameter returns the delivery number generated in the receivingsystem. Description In this structure the general header data of the inbound delivery arepassed on. Value range Description This structure contains the organizational data for the inbounddelivery header data. Description When inbound deliveries are replicated, the receiving system requiresthe logical system description of the sending system to determine thatit is a distributed inbound delivery. Description Using this parameter, you can cause a termination in the receivingsystem by setting the field DEBUG_FLG to 'X'. After termination, youcan re-import the IDoc with the corresponding BREAK-POINTs in thereceiving system. Description Customer enhancement segment Unstructured data container that can be used as required. Value range Structure BAPIEXTC Field1 CHAR(250) Field2 CHAR(250) Field3 CHAR(250) Field4 CHAR(250) Description Customer enhancement segment Structured data container that can be used as required. Value range Structure BAPIEXT PARAMETER CHAR(30) ROW INT (8) FIELD CHAR(30) VALUE CHAR(250) TYPE CHAR(5) LENGTH INT(4) Description The header data of the handling units is passed on to this table. Description The item data of the handling units are passed on to this table. Description Enter the serial numbers for a handling unit item. For materials with a serial number requirement, you can enter theserial numbers of the HU here. Description In this table, the header dates are passed on in time stamp format(YYYYMMDDHHMMSS). In field BAPIDLVDEADLN-TIMETYPE the individual datefields are qualified as follows: - WSHDRLFDAT Delivery date - WSHDRWADAT Goods receipt date (planned) - WSHDRTDDAT Transportation planning date (planned) Description This table parameter contains the header partner data of the inbounddelivery. Description If for the header partners in the inbound delivery different addressdata has been maintained in the master data, this address data isprovided in this parameter table. Description The account assignment data for each item is passed on to this table. Description The general item data is passed on to this table. Description This structure contains the organizational data for the inbounddelivery item data. Description The purchase order data to which the inbound delivery refers is notavailable in the receiving system since the purchase orders are notdistributed. You can thus pass on selected purchase order data to the receivingsystem. There it is stored in a specific enhancement table for the item(LIPSPO). Description Enter the serial numbers for a delivery item. For materials with a serial number requirement, you can enter theserial numbers here. Description Using this parameter, stock transfer data for deliveries resulting frominventory postings is passed on. These fields are not used fordeliveries that refer to a stock transfer order. Description The messages are collecter here and returned to the caller. Description In this table you have the header information for the texts. Description In this table, the text lines for all delivery texts are stored. |