SAP Function /SPE/GET_INSPRESP_CODES - Inspection Outcome: API for accessing QM catalogs

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text
IS_MATNR_LONG /SPE/INSP_LMAT u 82 X Inspections: Fields for supporting long material number
IT_CODES /SPE/CODE_KEY_T h 13 X Triple of catalog, code group, code
IV_LANGUAGE SPRAS C 1 X R/3 System, current language
IV_MATNR MATNR C 18 X Material Number

Parameter Reference Type Length Text
ET_CODES /SPE/INSP_CODES_T h 206 Transfer structure for code of a code group and text
ET_RETURN BAPIRET2_T h 548 Return Parameter

Exception Text
INVALID_CODE Code validation failed
NO_CAT_PROFILE No catalog profile defined
NO_DATA_FOUND No data found
USAGE_INDICATOR_PROBLEM Error during update of usage indicator


Catalog Profiles
To determine the catalog profiles for material valid codes, the systemchecks whether the catalog profile is maintained in material master QMview. If no profile is found for the material or no material is providedvia the interface, the system determines whether the default catalogprofile is in the Customizing table DEF_CAT_PROF. If no catalog profilecan be determined, an exception is created.

Code Validation
Using QPK1_GP_CODE_ARRAY_SELECTION, code validation is determined bychecking whether the codes provided to the module are valid.