Parameter | Reference | Type | Length | Default | Optional | Text |
IF_COMPLETED_ONLY | XFELD | C | 1 | SPACE | X | Select only completed deliveries |
IF_HEADER_ONLY | XFELD | C | 1 | SPACE | X | Provide only header information |
Parameter | Reference | Length | Optional | Text |
ET_DELIVERIES | LIPOV | 1188 | X | Export table: Header and item delivery information |
IT_DELIVERY_DATE | RANGE_DATE | 19 | X | RANGES table: Delivery date |
IT_DELIVERY_NO | RANGE_C10 | 23 | X | RANGES table: Delivery number |
IT_EXIDV | RANGE_C20 | 43 | X | Structure of a Range Table for a Character (20) Field |
IT_MATERIAL_NO | RANGE_MAT | 39 | X | RANGES table: Material number |
IT_SHIP_TO | RANGE_C10 | 23 | X | RANGES table: Ship-to party |
IT_SOLD_TO | RANGE_C10 | 23 | X | RANGES table:Sold-to party |
Exception | Text |
NO_DATA_FOUND | No data found according to selection criteria |
NO_RFC_AUTHORIZATION | No RFC authorization |
NO_SHIP_POINT_AUTHORIZATION | No authorization to see data from selected shipping points |