Functionality Note: For the central ERP system, this method is an outbound interfacefor requesting delivery changes in the decentralized WarehouseManagement system. The method contains segments for specifying target quantities and forthe delivery items for which (in total) these targets should be reached. The quantity targets will always reflect quantity reductions (in theirtotal). Increases in delivery quantities will only be sent to theWarehouse system in the form of new outbound deliveries. The decentralized Warehouse system is responsible for distributing thedesired target quantity on the specified delivery items. For the successfully applied changes, the Warehouse system will have torespond with a delivery change method call OutboundDeliverySPE.Changefor each changed delivery. If the deliveries cannot be reduced to the specified target quantity,the Warehouse message needs to decline changes to the "unchangeable"deliveries with the "reject" message OutboundDeliverySPE.RejectChanges. Description The header segment for the collective change request containscontrol information which is to be passed with the request. Description Logical system of the sender. Description The import parameter TechnControl contains additional technicalinformation about the distributed outbound delivery for the receivingsystem. Description The item segment groups the items for which a target quantity is to beachieved in total. Description The quantity segment contains the desired target quantity fo a number ofitems. The items for which the target is to be achieved need to be groupedwith a common counter and need to be declared for that counter in theitem segement. Description This table contains the return codes from the method call. For each error message and termination message in the update module forcreating an outbound delivery, the system performs a database rollback. |