SAP Function /SDF/EWA_GET_PARAMETER - Get a single value of a specific ABAP kernel parameter

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text
PAR_NAME PARNAME C 64 'SAPDBHOST' X Profile parameter name

Parameter Reference Type Length Text
PAR_LENGTH INT4 I 4 Length of Current parameter value
PAR_LENGTH_DEFAULT INT4 I 4 Length of parameter value on DEFAULT profile level
PAR_LENGTH_INSTANCE INT4 I 4 Length of parameter value on INSTANCE profile level
PAR_LENGTH_K INT4 I 4 Length of substituted parameter value
PAR_LENGTH_K_USUB INT4 I 4 Length of Kernel Default (unsubstituted) value
PAR_VALUE PARVALUE C 64 Current parameter value with 64 characters
PAR_VALUE_DEFAULT PARVALUE C 64 Value of parameter on DEFAULT profile level
PAR_VALUE_INSTANCE PARVALUE C 64 Value of parameter on INSTANCE profile level
PAR_VALUE_K PARVALUE C 64 Substituted parameter value with 64 characters
PAR_VALUE_K_USUB PARVALUE C 64 Kernel Default (unsubstituted) value with 64 characters
PAR_VALUE_LONG /SDF/PAR_4096 C 4096 Current parameter value -> 4096 characters
PAR_VALUE_LONG_DEFAULT /SDF/PAR_4096 C 4096 Value of parameter on DEFAULT profile level --> 4096 characters
PAR_VALUE_LONG_INSTANCE /SDF/PAR_4096 C 4096 Value of parameter on INSTANCE profile level --> 4096 characters
PAR_VALUE_LONG_K /SDF/PAR_4096 C 4096 Substituted parameter value -> 4096 characters
PAR_VALUE_LONG_K_USUB /SDF/PAR_4096 C 4096 Kernel Default (unsubstituted) value -> 4096 characters

Exception Text
PARAMETER_NOT_ACTIVE Parameter not active or existing

1484695ST-PI 2008_1: corrections/enhancements (SP3)
1479844ST-SER 701_2010_1: Hardware Capacity changes (SP3)