Return messages>
Messages are returned in the RETURN parameter. See the parameterdocumentation for the return values and their meanings.Notes
The following authorization object is checked with the activity 02(Change): /DSD/VC_VP
Further information
For more information, see the parameter documentation.
This export parameter outputs the changed header data of the visit plan.
This parameter indicates whether or not a visit plan should initially bechanged in simulation mode. If the indicator is set, the changed visitplan data is not written to the database.
Value range
Blank = Changed document is saved.
x = Changed document is not saved.
This import parameter contains the ID of the visit plan for which youwant to change data.
You can use this import parameter to specify which parameter VPH_IN
> fields are change-relevant. Only changes in fields that have an 'X'in the checkbox are considered relevant.
Since you cannot change the visit plan type, the system ignores newassignments of visit plan types in parameter VPH_IN>, even if youhave flagged the visit plan type as change-relevant.Description
You can use this import parameter to change visit plan header data, suchas route and validity period. You cannot change the visit plan type ofan existing visit plan, however.
This import parameter contains the ID of the visit plan you use as atemplate to change the Date Rule - Item> in the vist plan that iscurrently being processed. If you enter an ID here, the system comparesthe customer list of the template with that of the current visit plan,and copies the relevant Date Rule - Item> from the template forall customers in the current visit plan. If date rules have already beenassigned to some customers, they are overwritten by the date rule fromthe template.
The system does not copy any other data from the template to the currentvisit plan.
A customer's date rule is only copied to the current visit plan if youhave flagged the RULEID_CUST> field in parameter VPPX> aschange-relevant.Description
This import parameter contains the ID of the visit plan you use as atemplate to change the Date Rule - Header> in the visit plan thatis currently being processed. If you enter an ID here, the system copiesthe Date Rule - Header> to the new visit plan and overwrites anydate rule that has already been assigned. The system does not copy anyother data from the template to the current visit plan.
The new date rule is only copied to the current visit plan if you haveflagged the RULEID> field in parameter VPHX> aschange-relevant.Description
The ExtensionIn table allows you to enhance the BAPI import parameterswithout making modifications.
If you have added your own fields to the header or item data of thevisit plan, you can change the values of these fields with theExtensionIn table.
Value range
Type, ID,, Number,, Message
E,, BAPI,, 100,, One or more errors occurred when the BAPI was called
Messages relating to the consistency checks are also output.
You can use this import structure to determine which fields in importstructure VPP_IN> are change-relevant. Only changes in fields thathave an 'X' in the checkbox are considered relevant.
Since you cannot change the customer number, the system does not takeaccount of customer changes in import structure VPP_IN>, even ifyou have flagged the CUSTOMER_VC> field with an 'X'.Description
You can use this import structure to change customer data in the visitplan, such as the sequence in which the customers are visited or thetravel duration. You can also use an indicator to flag specificcustomers as "inactive" or remove the indicator, thus determiningwhether or not the customers are taken into account when visit lists arecreated.
You cannot change customer numbers with this parameter. You can removecustomers from the visit plan, however, or add new customers to theexisting visit plan.Value range
If you add new customers to the visit plan and want to assign texts tothe relevant items with the import structure VPTEXT_IN>, assign atemporary item number with the value 800 or higher in theVISITPLAN_POS> field. You then assign the item number to therelevant text ID in the import structure VPTEXT_IN>. The temporaryitem numbers are only used to assign texts to items. The item numbersare always assigned by the system when new visit plan items are created.
If you want to change the sequence in which the customers are visited,change the relevant value in the VISIT_SEQUENCE> field. Toindicate that a customer should be the third customer visited on a tour,for example, assign the value 003> in the VISIT_SEQUENCE>field. The system adjusts the values of this field accordingly for thesubsequent items. If you add a new customer to the visit plan and do notenter a value for the new item in the VISIT_SEQUENCE> field, thenew customer is visited at the end of the tour.Description
You can use this import structure to change visit plan texts at headeror item level.