SAP Function /BOFU/ADUUID_SAVE_BCKGRD - Downport 7.10 to 7.0

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text
IT_ADCPUUID_DEL /BOFU/T_ADCPUUID h 53 Downport 7.10 to 7.0
IT_ADCPUUID_INS /BOFU/T_ADCPUUID h 53 Downport 7.10 to 7.0
IT_ADRCUUID_DEL /BOFU/T_ADRCUUID h 47 Downport 7.10 to 7.0
IT_ADRCUUID_INS /BOFU/T_ADRCUUID h 47 Downport 7.10 to 7.0
IT_ADRPUUID_DEL /BOFU/T_ADRPUUID h 42 Downport 7.10 to 7.0
IT_ADRPUUID_INS /BOFU/T_ADRPUUID h 42 Downport 7.10 to 7.0