SAP Function /ASU/CHECK_UPGRADE_STATUS - Determine the status of the ASU in upgrade use case

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text
IM_PHASE CHAR1 C 1 Application Specific Upgrade: Execution Phase (R=PRE; O=POST)

Parameter Reference Type Length Text
EX_RC SYSUBRC I 4 Return value, return value after ABAP statements
EX_STATUS CHAR1 C 1 ASU User Status: C = Processing checked and is OK

Deliver User Status of ASU Node "Pre Upgrade Steps" or "Post UpgradeSteps".
Tasklist determined by installed SW component. Actually only SAP_APPL(=ERP-Upgrade is supported).

Value range
4 Processing checked, but has errors
C Processing checked and is OK
V Processing skipped, because step not relevant
U Status not yet defined