- If you use engineering change management, you must have maintained the
relevant change numbers that you used to maintain dangerous goodsmaster data records in the target system.Notes
Messages are returned in the RETURN parameter. The return values andtheir meaning are explained in the documentation for this parameter.
The following tables must have been maintained in the target system:
Tabele,,Table name
Iso codes for units of measurement,,T006I
Change number,,AENR
Validity area,,TCG91/92
DG transport category,,THM003/004
DG class,,THM009/010
DG letter,,THM011/012
Danger label number,,THM017/018
Hazard identification number,,THM031/032
Dangerous goods regulation,,THM063/064
Packaging code,,THM073/074
Packing instruction numer,,THM075/076
Aggregate state,,T646A/B
Water pollution class,,TDG015/16
Hazard note,,TDG27/28
Hazard-inducing substance,,TDG33/34
VbF class,,TDG35/36
Dangerous goods storage class,,TDG37/38
Processing status,,TDG39/40
UN number,,TDG67/68
Further information
For further information, see Help -> R/3 library -> CA Cross-Application components -> CA The IDoc Interface -> Overview of the IDocInterface -> Monitoring>.Description
Normally, no message is output via the return parameter, as thefunction module is triggered asynchronously (without reference to thesource system). This means that no message can be returned to thesource system. However, a log is written to the subsequent functionmodules and can be displayed in the target system.
For information on the meaning of the sender, see the correspondingdocumentation Logical system of the sender>.Value range
For information on the meaning of the individual parameter fields, seethe corresponding data element documentation in the ABAP dictionary.
Mandatory fields:
The material, regulation, valid-from and valid-to fields must be filed.If not, the corresponding data record is rejected. If a data record hasa data record split (with engineering change management), the changenumber is then mandatory.
For information on the meaning of the individual parameter fields, seethe corresponding data element documentation in the ABAP dictionary.
Mandatory fields:
The material, regulation, valid-from and valid-to fields must be filed.If not, the corresponding data record is rejected. If a data record hasa data record split (with engineering change management), the changenumber is then mandatory.
For information on the meaning of the individual parameter fields, seethe corresponding data element documentation in the ABAP dictionary.
Mandatory fields:
The material, regulation, valid-from and valid-to fields must be filed.If not, the corresponding data record is rejected. If a data record hasa data record split (with engineering change management), the changenumber is then mandatory.
For information on the meaning of the individual parameter fields, seethe corresponding data element documentation in the ABAP dictionary.
Mandatory fields:
The material, regulation, valid-from and valid-to fields must be filed.If not, the corresponding data record is rejected. If a data record hasa data record split (with engineering change management), the changenumber is then mandatory.
For information on the meaning of the individual parameter fields, seethe corresponding data element documentation in the ABAP dictionary.
Mandatory fields:
The material, regulation, valid-from and valid-to fields must be filed.If not, the corresponding data record is rejected. If a data record hasa data record split (with engineering change management), the changenumber is then mandatory.
This is the extension parameter for the implementation of thecustomer-specific enhancement of dangerous goods field. Fields that thecustomer adds to dangerous goods table DGTM2 using APPEND are forwardedin this untyped container during distribution. For a detaileddescription of the procedure for adding customer-specific fields in thedangerous goods master, please see the extended documentation.
BAPI ref. structure for relationship between object and superior UPS