Functionality This function module converts the contents of any internal table to aHTML table. You can specify a table header and a header for eachindividual column, as well as set attributes. To aid input, use thefunction module WWW_ITAB_TO_HTML_HEADERS. For each internal tablefield, you can set attributes. To aid input here, use the functionmodule WWW_ITAB_TO_HTML_LAYOUT which returns headers and single fieldattributes in tables and passes them to the conversion module whichreturns the finished HTML table. If the flag ALL_FIELDS is set (this is the default), all fields arealways formatted, even if no attributes are defined. If the flag is notset, only those fields with attributes are formatted. Example DATA: MY_ROW_HEADER LIKE W3HEAD OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE, MY_FIELDS LIKE W3FIELDS OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE, MY_HEADER LIKE W3HEAD. CALL FUNCTION 'WWW_ITAB_TO_HTML_HEADERS' EXPORTING FIELD_NR = 2 TEXT = 'Column 1' FGCOLOR = 'yellow' BGCOLOR = 'black' TABLES HEADER = MY_ROW_HEADER. CALL FUNCTION 'WWW_ITAB_TO_HTML_LAYOUT' EXPORTING FIELD_NR = 3 FGCOLOR = 'green' TABLES FIELDS = MY_FIELDS. MOVE 'My internal table in HTML' TO MY_HEADER-TEXT. MOVE 'Arial' TO MY_HEADER-FONT. MOVE '2' TO MY_HEADER-SIZE. REFRESH HTML. CALL FUNCTION 'WWW_ITAB_TO_HTML' EXPORTING TABLE_HEADER = MY_HEADER TABLES HTML = HTML FIELDS = MY_FIELDS ROW_HEADER = MY_ROW_HEADER ITABLE = MY_ITAB. |