SAP Functions

Function RFC Description Component
THMHR_EVENTS_CCIR_OCI Calculate the OCI balance for HR with CCIR swap Transaction Manager
THMHR_EVENTS_CF_DETERMINE_OCI Computation of the OCI amount given measurement Transaction Manager
THMHR_EVENTS_CF_DET_OCI_G_7 OCI balance det. as in DIG G7(1) Transaction Manager
THMHR_EVENTS_CF_DET_OCI_SHORT OCI balance det. by caller, according to the shortcut method Transaction Manager
THMHR_EVENTS_CHECK_CCIR_SWAP Determine if the derivative is a CCIR swap Transaction Manager
THMHR_EVENTS_DEDES_REVERSE Reverse dedesignation (settlement) of hedging relationship Transaction Manager
THMHR_EVENTS_DERI_SETTLEMENT Settlement and consequences for the hr Transaction Manager
THMHR_EVENTS_DET_GLOBAL_EFF Given retro and prospective assessment, determine val. Transaction Manager
THMHR_EVENTS_DISSOLVED_REVERSE A dissolved hedging relationship is reversed Transaction Manager
THMHR_EVENTS_FOR_HR_CHANGE Analysis and consequences of the change hr events Transaction Manager
THMHR_EVENTS_GET_CALC_TYPE Find calculation type to use for shortcut method Transaction Manager
THMHR_EVENTS_HR_RECLASS OCI reclassification for a given HR Transaction Manager
THMHR_EVENTS_MAKE_ASS_AND_EFF Perform the assessment and make the effectiveness calc. Transaction Manager
THMHR_EVENTS_MAKE_SHORT Perform the assessment and make the effectiveness calc. Transaction Manager
THMHR_EVENTS_MM_METHOD Determine valuation method for MM instrument Transaction Manager
THMHR_EVENTS_PERFORM_PROSPECT Perform the prospective assessment Transaction Manager
THMHR_EVENTS_PERIOD_VALUATION Perform the period valuation for a given hr. Transaction Manager
THMHR_EVENTS_VALUATION_RESET The posting of the valuations is reset - consequences Transaction Manager
THMHR_EVENTS_WRITE_HI_MEAS Write the change in fair value of the hedged item in a fair value hedge Transaction Manager
THMHR_MEASUREMENT_UPDATE Update the effectiveness measurement table Transaction Manager
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