SAP Functions

Function RFC Description Component
TEST_MOD_DD X Tests whether a modification of a DDIC object exists Transport Organizer
TEST_MOD_DD_40 X Tests whether a modification of a DDIC object exists Transport Organizer
TEST_RETRANSMIT_MESSAGE X capsulation for call by serviceuser Web Service and SOAP - ABAP
TEST_SALC_GET_ALL_DATA Test Module: Get all Data from R/3 System Monitoring
TEST_SALS_SET_DONE_ALL_AL_INMS TEST TEST TEST: Get all Alerts in Local Moni. Segment Monitoring
TEST_SCHEDULE_COMPENSATE X capsulation for call by serviceuser Web Service and SOAP - ABAP
TEST_WPDA X Nur zum Testen POS Interface
TEXTTABLE_SORT Sort text tables Terminology/Glossary
TEXT_ARCHIVE_OBJECT Notes text archiving text key for object archiving SAPscript
TEXT_CONTROL_REPLACE SAPscript: Expand IF/ELSE/CASE structures in text SAPscript
TEXT_COPY Copy long text Routing
TEXT_FOR_HEADER Long text processing for text with inline (ex.: header) Routing
TEXT_FOR_OPERATION Text editing for routing and BOM items Routing
TEXT_FOR_PIC Edit long text without inline line (example: PI characteristic) Master Recipe
TEXT_INCLUDE_REPLACE SAPscript: Expand INCLUDEs in text SAPscript
TEXT_MAINTENANCE Maintenance of Texts for Maintenance Objects Equipment
TEXT_MAINTENANCE_INITIALIZE Initialization of Work Areas for Word Processing in PM Equipment
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