Function | RFC | Description | Component |
/SPE/RET_CALC_CUM_QTY_PER_RMA | Calculates cumulated quantities per RMA number | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/RET_CARR_INFO_PROCESSING | Processing of messages from SCEM portal | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/RET_CHANGE_DELIVERY | Checking the Delivery and Calling FM ws_delivery_update2 | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/RET_CHECK_ERROR_IDOCS | FM to check if Idoc has Error status | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/RET_CLOSE_DELIVERY | Closing of returns deliveries | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/RET_CRT_CARRIER_LIST_SO | Create carrier table from CRM partner data | Goods Issue Process | |
/SPE/RET_CRT_PACK_PROP_SO | Fill Global Internal Table with Packaging Proposal Information | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/RET_DIALOG_PREPARE | Prepare Returns Data - Quantities and Relations (CF) | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/RET_DIST_DELVRY_IDOC | ALE interface function module for sending delivery idocs | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/RET_FILL_IDOC_RETINS | Wrapper Function for Function Module idoc_output_spe_delvry | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/RET_GET_ASNS | Selects SPM returns deliveries according to criteria given | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/RET_GET_CANCELLED_ASNS | returns list of asns to be cancelled | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/RET_GET_CARRIER_LIST_CPLT | SPE Returns: read all carriers for one delivery | Goods Issue Process | |
/SPE/RET_GET_DELIVERY_BWART | Get movement type for SPE returns deliveries | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/RET_GET_IDOC_CTRL_RECORDS | returns list of receivers for a given message in form of control records | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/RET_GET_INSP_STOCK_TYPE | Inspection Outcome: Get stock type for delivery item movement type | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/RET_GET_PACKPROP_CPLT | Used to read all the Packaging Proposal Information for a Delivery | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/RET_GET_SPLIT_PROFILE | Read split profile from customizing | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/RET_HU_DATA_GET | Set Data Gobal Memory | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/RET_HU_DATA_SET | Set Data Gobal Memory | Complaints and Returns |