SAP Function /SAPTRX/ITEMIDENT_GET_GUID - Get an item identfier GUID by table name and field name

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text

Parameter Reference Type Length Text

The Item Identifier field references expected events in SAPEvent Manager back to their source in the application system. This isnecessary, if activities within the rule set need to update the datesof the application object in the application system using a remotefunction call (see, for example, activity/SAPTRX/SET_ACT_SHIPMENT_DDL1). You can define the item identifierstructure freely, but the structure for the Transportation pattern isshown below as an example.
This function module creates a unique identifier (GUID) that can bestored in the ITEMIDENT field on the basis of the followinginformation:
DOCNO Document number
POSNR Item number
ETENR Schedule line number
TBNAM Table name which holds date/time field
DFNAM Date field name(must be the name of the updating field)
TFNAM Time field name(must be the name of the updating field)
This function module must be called when the milestone data is filledin the extractor function module. The data which is passed to thefunction module is stored in a database table in the applicationsystem.
Another function module (/SAPTRX/ITEMIDENT_GET_FIELD) is available toconvert the unique identifier (GUID) back to the fields listed above.This allows you to update the referenced fields, if necessary.

Using the item identifiers for the Transportation pattern (fromexpected event extractor)

  • Check In 1: Shipment No. 2: Space, 3: Space, 4:VTTK, 5: DAREG,
  • 6: UAREG
    • Loading Start - 1: Shipment No. 2: Space, 3: Space, 4:VTTK, 5:
    • DALBG, 6: UALBG
      • Loading End - 1: Shipment No. 2: Space, 3: Space, 4:VTTS, 5:
      • DALEN, 6: UALEN
        • Plant Departure - 1: Shipment No. 2: Space, 3: Stage of Trans.
        • Sequence, 4:VTTS, 5: DATBG, 6: UATBG
          • Arrival at Destination - 1: Shipment No, 2: Space, 3: Stage of
          • Trans. Sequence, 4: VTTS 5: DATEN, 6: UATEN