SAP Function /SAPMP/BAPI_PRORDCF_PDC_UPL_TT - Mill Products: Copy Time Ticket Confirmations from BDE System

Parameter Reference Type Length Text
RETURN BAPIRET1 u 470 Return Parameters

Parameter Reference Length Optional Text
GOODSMOVEMENTS BAPI2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE 1106 X Table of Goods Movements
IS_MP_GOODSMOVEMENTS /SAPMP/BAPI2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE 8 X BAPI Communication Structure: Material Document Item Single-Unit Batch
LINKCONFGOODSMOV BAPI_LINK_CONF_GOODSMOV 12 X Link table for confirmations/goods movement
TIMETICKETS BAPI_PP_TIMETICKET 554 Table of confirmations

This method enables you to transfer actual data as confirmation timetickets for operations in production orders.
The confirmation time tickets are flagged for further processing, inother words, the transferred actual data is checked and stored in theAFRU confirmation table in a subsequent step. This can be achieved usinga periodically scheduled batch job with the CORUPROC1 program.Alternatively, in Customizing for Plant Data Colllection in theCommunication Parameters for Production Orders, you can use theImmediate Posting indicator to instruct the system to startfurther processing of the transferred data immediately after thetransfer.
In addition to the actual data in the confirmation, you can transferactual data for goods movements that are to be posted with aconfirmation. Single-unit information can be transferred for the goodsmovements.
If no goods movements are specified for a confirmation, the systemdetermines items for backflushing and automatic goods receipt
automatically in further processing of the confirmation

This method uses the methodBAPI_PRODORDCONF_PDC_UPLOAD_TTand its parameter.

The return parameter is only used for serious errors that prevent any ofthe confirmations from being processed successfully. Errors of this kindusually only occur when the system cannot transfer the transferredconfirmation data to the internal structures because the data definitionrules have been infringed.
The Return parameter contains detailed information about theerror in its structure. This information is also supplied in theMESSAGE text.

If the system does not determine any serious errors, the returnparameter is returned with initial values.

Goods movements that are posted with confirmations.
The automatic goods movements Backflush of Components andAutomatic Goods Receipt Postings for Assembly can be posted witha confirmation. If you want to change or correct this data, you cantransfer the goods movement data in the Goodsmovements table. Thegoods movements are assigned to the relevant confirmation using theLinkConfGoodsmov parameter table.
If a confirmation is assigned to at least one goods movement, noautomatic goods movements are determined for the confirmation when yousave the data. The system does not read the transferred goods movementsas additions to the automatically posted goods movements, but assubstitute items.

Each goods movement item can be assigned to a confirmation using theLinkConfGoodsmov parameter table. When you save the data, thesystem does not take account of items that have not been assigned to aconfirmation.
The assignment is made using the IndexConfirm andIndexGoodsmov indices. The IndexConfirm index must referto the entry in the Timetickets parameter table, while theIndexGoodsmov index must refer to the entry in theGoodsmovements parameter table.
The number of entries in the LinkConf_Goodsmov table shouldusually match the number of entries in the Goodsmovements table.
Exception: If you want to prevent goods movements from being determinedautomatically for a confirmation, for example, because there are none,you can do so by making an entry in the LinkConfGoodsmov tablewithout a corresponding entry being made in the Goodsmovementstable. Ensure that the index in the IndexConfirm field refers tothe relevant confirmation. You have to enter the initial value 0in the IndexGoodsmov field.

Table containing the time ticket confirmations that are to be entered.
You can identify the confirmed object Operation by entering theconfirmation number in the CONF_NO field. You can also identifythe operation by entering the order, sequence and operation, andpossibly the suboperation, in the ORDERID, SEQUENCE,OPERATION and SUB_OPER fields.
If you want confirmation for an individual capacity, you must alsoidentify this individual capacity by entering the relevant values in theCAPA_CATEGORY and SPLIT fields.
Each entry in the Timetickets table consitutes a separateconfirmation, which will be inspected and processed in the specifiedsequence.