SAP Function /SAPMP/BAPI_PRORDCF_CRE_HDR - Mill Products: Enter Confirmations for Order

Parameter Reference Type Length Default Optional Text
POST_WRONG_ENTRIES BAPI_CORU_PARAM-INS_ERR C 1 '0' X Ind.: Incorrect data in error pool
TESTRUN BAPI_CORU_PARAM-TESTRUN C 1 X Ind.: Test data only, without saving

Parameter Reference Type Length Text
RETURN BAPIRET1 u 470 Return Parameters

Parameter Reference Length Optional Text
ATHDRLEVELS BAPI_PP_HDRLEVEL 187 Table of order confirmations
DETAIL_RETURN BAPI_CORU_RETURN 568 X Return parameter for confirmation table
GOODSMOVEMENTS BAPI2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE 1106 X Table of Goods Movements
IS_MP_GOODSMOVEMENTS /SAPMP/BAPI2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE 8 X BAPI Communication Structure: Material Document Item Single-Unit Batch
LINK_CONF_GOODSMOV BAPI_LINK_CONF_GOODSMOV 12 X Link table for confirmations/goods movement

This method enables you to enter order confirmations for theproduction order.
You can enter any goods movements to be posted with a confirmation, aswell as any single-unit batch information for the goods movements.
If no goods movements are entered for a confirmation, they are set forconfirmation in accordance with the standard logic for backflushes andautomatic goods receipts.

This method uses the methodBAPI_PRODORDCONF_CREATE_HDR andits parameters.

The return parameter is only used for grave errors that prevent any ofthe confirmations from being processed successfully. These errorsnormally only occur when the transferred confirmation data cannot betransferred to the internal structures because data definitionconventions were not adhered to.
The Return parameter contains detailed information about theerror in its structure. This information is also available, formatted,in the MESSAGE message text.

If the system does not determine any grave errors, the parameter isreturned with the initial values.

Controls which confirmations are transferred to the error pool.
Error pool entries can be corrected and posted usingPostprocessing of Confirmations.

Value range
0: Neither incorrect confirmations nor confirmations that cannot beprocessed because they are locked are transferred to the error pool.
1: Incorrect confirmations are transferred to the error pool.Confirmations that cannot be processed because they are locked are nottransferred to the error pool.
2: Both incorrect confirmations and confirmations that cannot beprocessed because they are locked are transferred to the error pool.

Default value is "0", in other words, no confirmation is transferred tothe error pool.

Indicator used to control whether the confirmation data is provided forposting or only checked in the test mode. In the test mode no objectsare locked against concurrent access.

Value range

  • "X": The transferred data is only checked in the test mode.

  • " " (SPACE): The confirmation data is provided for posting after being
  • checked successfully. Even lock entries are deducted for the relevantobjects.

    The confirmation data is provided for posting with the defaulted value "", if no errors are found.

    Table containing the confirmations to be entered as order confirmations.
    To identify the confirmed order, enter the order in the ORDERIDfield.
    Each entry in the AtHdrLevels table represents a separateconfirmation, which will be checked and processed in the specifiedsequence.

    The DetailReturn parameter table provides details about thesuccessful posting of each confirmation in the AtHdrLevels table,or about any exceptions caused by incorrect data or current locks.
    An entry is made in the DetailReturn table for each confirmationimported into the AtHdrLevels table. For example, the third entryin the DetailReturn table provides information about the postingof the third confirmation in the AtHdrLevels table. When aconfirmation is posted successfully, the confirmation number issued isdisplayed in the CONF_NO and CONF_CNT fields.
    In the case of an exception, comprehensive details are provided in thevarious fields, formatted, and returned in the MESSAGE messagetext.
    In the case of a lock, the FLG_LOCKED indicator is set.

    Goods movements to be posted independently of confirmations. Automaticgoods movements, that is to say, Backflushes of Components andAutomatic Goods Receipt Postings for Assembly, can beposted with a confirmation. If you want to make any additions orcorrections to this goods movement data, it can be entered in theGoodsmovements table. The goods movements for each confirmationare assigned using the LinkConfGoodsmov parameter table.
    If a confirmation is assigned to at least one goods movement, the systemdoes not determine any automatic goods movements when the confirmationis saved. In other words, the transferred goods movements cannot beregarded as additional goods movements to the automatically posted goodsmovements, but rather as substitute items.


    You cannot use all the indicators in the Goods Movements table. Forexample, the NO_TRANSFER_REQ = X indicator is set to prevent a transferrequirement being created when a goods movement is made. However, thisindicator has no effect and a transport requirement is creatednonetheless.
    Cause: The BAPI2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE inventory management structure isused to transfer goods movements to confirmation BAPIs. However, thiscontains some fields that are redundant or not supported in productionorder confirmations. Not all MM functions can be supported when you postgoods movements using the confirmation. This applies not only to theconfirmation dialog transactions but also to the confirmation BAPIs.

    Each individual goods movement item is assigned to a confirmation usingthe LinkConfGoodsmov parameter table. The system cannot takeitems that are not assigned to a confirmation into account when saved.
    The items are assigned using the IndexConfirm andIndexGoodsmov indices. The IndexConfirm index referencesthe entry in the AtHdrLevels parameter table, and theIndexGoodsmov index references the entry in theGoodsmovements parameter table.
    There should therefore be an equal number of entries in theLinkConfGoodsmov and Goodsmovements tables.
    Exception: If you wish to prevent the system from automaticallyassigning goods movements to confirmations (because none have arisen),you can do so by making an entry in the LinkConfGoodsmov tablewithout the need for an entry in the Goodsmovements table. Inthis case, the index in the IndexConfirm field must reference therelevant confirmation. You should enter the initial value 0 inthe IndexGoodsmov field.