Oracle Message PLS-00251 - RETURN, for actual function return, must be last in the parameters clause

ERRORRETURN, for actual function return, must be last in the parameters clause
CAUSERETURN specification for the actual function return, used within the parameters clause must hold the very last position. Example : The following will give this error since the RETURN specification for the actual function return in the parameters clause is not the last. FUNCTION myexternalfunc (var1 BINARY_INTEGER, var2 BINARY_INTEGER) RETURN BINARY_INTEGER IS EXTERNAL NAME myexternalfunc LIBRARY somelib PARAMETERS (var1 LONG, var2 SHORT, RETURN INT, RETURN INDICATOR SHORT); The correct syntax is the following. Note that RETURN for actual function return is the last specification in the parameters clause. FUNCTION myexternalfunc (var1 BINARY_INTEGER, var2 BINARY_INTEGER) RETURN BINARY_INTEGER IS EXTERNAL NAME myexternalfunc LIBRARY somelib PARAMETERS (var1 LONG, var2 SHORT, RETURN INDICATOR SHORT, RETURN INT);
ACTIONCorrect the syntax of the RETURN specification in the parameters clause