Oracle Message PGA-20948 - unable to prepare the statement for transaction logging

ERRORunable to prepare the statement for transaction logging
CAUSEThe gateway server was unable to prepare the statement to be used to call the transaction logging PL/SQL stored procedure. An Oracle server message will follow this message.
ACTIONEnsure that the Oracle server and its TNS listener are both operational. Also check the PGA_LOG_DB, PGA_LOG_USER, and PGA_LOG_PASS parameters in the gateway init file and ensure that they specify the correct database string, userid, and password, respectively. Verify that the transaction logging PL/SQL procedure has been properly installed into the Oracle server under the userid and password specified by PGA_LOG_USER and PGA_LOG_PASS and that it is executable. Refer to the Oracle Server Messages and Codes Manual for information on the Oracle server message.