Oracle Message IMP-00079 - Warning: National character set data in this table may be incorrect

ERRORWarning: National character set data in this table may be incorrect
CAUSEDue to a problem in 8.0.2 Export, national character data in NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 columns was incorrectly assumed to be in the export servers data base character set and was converted to the export clients data base character set. This conversion would only be correct if the export servers data base character set was the same as the export servers national character set and the export clients data base character set was the same as the export clients national character set. All other combinations would likely be incorrect. This export dump file was generated by 8.0.2 Export and the export client and server characater sets did not fit that criteria.
ACTIONExamine the national character data. If incorrect, update the data with correct data.