Oracle Messages

Id Message
DRG-50611 Third party lexer internal error: string
DRG-50700 unknown command (args=queue, command)
DRG-50701 error in listener.get_cmd()
DRG-50702 error in drtlsleep()
DRG-50703 listener startup error
DRG-50704 Net8 listener is not running or cannot start external procedures
DRG-50800 failed to open cursor
DRG-50801 failed to parse cursor
DRG-50802 failed to bind input
DRG-50803 failed to define output
DRG-50804 failed to exec cursor
DRG-50805 failed to close cursor
DRG-50806 failed to rollback
DRG-50807 failed to commit
DRG-50850 string
DRG-50851 SQL execute failed
DRG-50852 failed to turn SQL trace on
DRG-50853 fetch error
DRG-50855 logoff fail
DRG-50857 oracle error in string
Lines 1361 to 1380 of 20375 entries
1 67 68 69 70 71 1,019