Oracle Messages

Id Message
DRG-12603 CTXSYS does not own user datastore procedure: string
DRG-12604 execution of user datastore procedure has failed
DRG-12605 datatype of column number in COLUMNS list is not supported
DRG-12606 error encountered while parsing COLUMNS list
DRG-12607 only ctxsys can create MULTI_COLUMN preferences
DRG-12700 seed word must be a single word
DRG-12800 Attribute NESTED_TYPE must have owner name as prefix
DRG-12801 invalid type: string
DRG-12802 invalid type column: string
DRG-12803 invalid text datatype
DRG-12900 Operation: string for index: string has already been started
DRG-13000 error while adding or removing a sub lexer
DRG-13001 sub lexer and multi lexer must have the same owner
DRG-13002 preference string is not a MULTI_LEXER
DRG-13003 preference string cannot be used as a sub lexer
DRG-13004 language is invalid
DRG-13005 alt_value cannot be an NLS language name
DRG-13006 sub lexer for this language is not defined
DRG-13007 cannot define an alternate value for the DEFAULT sub lexer
DRG-13008 cannot remove the DEFAULT sub lexer
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